The fourth installment of the action-packed comedy franchise ignites the streaming scene this July, with Eddie Murphy leading the charge. The official trailer for Netflix's eagerly anticipated sequel, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, showcases Murphy's fiery return as Detective Axel Foley. Directed by Mark Molloy, this feature film is set to premiere on the streaming service on July 3rd.
Joining Murphy's iconic character are a stellar cast including Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Taylour Paige, Judge Reinhold, John Ashton, Paul Reiser, Bronson Pinchot, and Kevin Bacon. In Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, Foley reunites with familiar faces like Billy Rosewood (Reinhold) and John Taggart (Ashton) and partners with a new ally (Gordon-Levitt) on a mission to save his daughter's (Paige) life and thwart a sinister conspiracy.
Murphy first brought Axel Foley to life in the 1984 smash hit Beverly Hills Cop, directed by Martin Brest and written by Danilo Bach and Daniel Petrie Jr. The film went on to become the highest-grossing movie of the year, paving the way for two successful sequels, the last of which hit theaters in 1994.
The teaser trailer for Axel F, released in December, featured Reiser warning Murphy, "Watch your ass out there, OK?" Murphy confidently responded, "I'm gonna be fine. They love me in Beverly Hills." Molloy helms this fourth adventure, bringing to life a script penned by Will Beall, Tom Gormican, and Kevin Etten. Murphy, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Chad Oman produce the film, while Ray Angelic, Charisse Hewitt-Webster, Melissa Reid, and Lorenzo Di Bonaventura serve as executive producers.
Murphy's recent credits include the festive feature Candy Cane Lane, which premiered on Prime Video late in 2023. Other noteworthy projects include last year's Netflix comedy You People, alongside Jonah Hill, Nia Long, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, as well as Amazon's 2021 sequel Coming 2 America. As Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F hits the streaming scene, fans are sure to be in for a thrilling and hilarious ride with Murphy's beloved detective once again.