Don Murphy and Susan Montford, the dynamic duo from Angry Films, have embarked on a journey to bring a unique horror tale to life. Their latest production is a feature film based on a game that has captivated fans with its eerie echoes of 'Toy Story' and 'Gremlins.' The iconic Huggy Wuggy has now captured the attention of Hollywood.
In a competitive bidding war, Legendary emerged victorious, securing a deal with Mob Entertainment to develop and produce a live-action adaptation of the horror video game, Poppy Playtime. This collaboration marks a collaboration between Legendary, Mob Entertainment, and the prolific producers Don Murphy and Susan Montford of Angry Films, who recently wrapped up filming on the horror thriller 'Faces of Death.'
Poppy Playtime is a first-person video game that plunges players into a world of eerie wonders. As a former employee of a once-renowned toy brand, players are drawn back to an abandoned facility by a cryptic letter. Upon arrival, they are confronted with a host of toys-turned-monsters, including the haunting Huggy Wuggy, Mommy Long Legs, and CatNap. These toys have taken on a life of their own, and players must decipher clues, solve puzzles, and utilize gadgets to unravel the mystery and escape alive.
Mob, founded by brothers Zach and Seth Belanger in 2015, released the first chapter of Poppy Playtime on the indie game platform Steam in 2021. It quickly became a surprise hit, attracting over 12 million players across PC and mobile. By the time the third chapter was released, the game had expanded to PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, captivating a wider audience. The game's popularity has also spawned an international merchandising phenomenon, with Huggy Wuggy plushies and other playthings becoming a global sensation.
This partnership marks the third collaboration between Legendary and Murphy, a producer renowned for his contributions to the long-running Transformers franchise. Alongside the new take on the cult horror movie 'Faces of Death,' Angry Films and Legendary are also developing a multi-media adaptation of the classic sci-fi title 'Buck Rogers.' Additionally, Angry Films is working on an adaptation of the 1980s comic 'Alien Legion' at Warners.
For Legendary, Poppy Playtime represents a significant step into the video game adaptation space, a booming industry that ranges from family-friendly franchises like 'Sonic the Hedgehog' to elevated zombie fare like HBO's 'The Last of Us.' This project holds the potential for a profitable franchise if executed with precision and creativity.