Director Rian Johnson has made a triumphant announcement, revealing that the suave and enigmatic Daniel Craig will reprise his role as Benoit Blanc in the eagerly awaited sequel of the hit murder mystery franchise, Knives Out 3, set to premiere on Netflix in 2025. This latest installment, aptly titled Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery, continues the captivating adventures of the celebrated detective.
On Friday, Johnson took to X, the new social media platform formerly known as Twitter, to unveil the news. A captivating 45-second video on his X page officially confirmed Craig's return, reigniting fans' excitement for another thrilling installment of the Knives Out series.
Netflix, too, has echoed this enthusiasm, announcing on its Tudum site that Craig will reprise his role as Blanc, embarking on a new murder mystery. "Indeed, Daniel Craig returns as the debonair southern detective in Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery, a fresh chapter in this beloved franchise penned and helmed by Rian Johnson," Netflix exclaimed. "Blanc will unravel a novel murder mystery in an undisclosed locale, surrounded by a colorful ensemble of suspects."
According to previous reports from The Hollywood Reporter, the Netflix deal for the two Knives Out sequels ensures that Johnson retains creative freedom, Craig's involvement is guaranteed, and each film will have a budget on par with the 2019 original, which clocked in at around $40 million.
Johnson, who penned and directed the critically acclaimed 2019 film, expressed his unwavering love for the genre. "I adore everything about whodunnits, but the genre's adaptability is what truly sets it apart," he shared on X. "From Carr to Christie, exploring this vast tonal spectrum is what makes crafting Benoit Blanc films so thrilling."
Amid the pandemic's uncertainties and theater closures, Netflix emerged as the distributor of the Knives Out franchise sequels, replacing Lionsgate. The streaming giant inked a staggering $469 million deal with Johnson and his producing partner, Ram Bergman, both represented by CAA.
With Friday's announcement, it's evident that Netflix has secured a solid theatrical movie franchise for its streaming platform, led by the inimitable Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc. It remains to be seen whether Netflix will opt for a theatrical release for Wake Up Dead Man, similar to the Toronto Film Festival premiere of Glass Onion, despite CEO Ted Sarandos' emphasis on serving Netflix subscribers first. The original Knives Out detective tale also made its red carpet debut in Toronto before its theatrical run, with Chris Evans and Daniel Craig stealing the show.