Directed and starring the dynamic Susie Yankou, the comedic gem "Sisters" depicts the tumultuous journey of two inseparable best friends whose bond is challenged when one of them unearths a long-lost half-sibling. Toronto is buzzing with excitement as the groundbreaking Inside Out Film Festival, centered around LGBTQ narratives, embarks on its journey, with the world premiere of "Sisters" serving as the festival's star-studded opening screening.
The story revolves around Lou (Susie Yankou) and Esther (Sarah Khasrovi), two friends who have always considered each other as family. Their deep-rooted companionship is put to the test when Lou unexpectedly comes across her strikingly fashionable long-lost half-sister, Priya (Kausar Mohammed).
In a sneak peek into the film, we witness Lou and Priya in a hip restaurant, where Lou struggles to find her footing amidst Priya's ultra-cool circle of friends. "Sisters" is a recipient of the Inside Out's Re:Focus grant, a financial boost dedicated to supporting LGBTQ women and nonbinary filmmakers. Yankou, who also penned the script, marks her directorial debut with this heartfelt and hilarious tale.
Take a peek at the first glimpse of "Sisters" below.