Director Mahesh Pailoor has unveiled the tantalizing first trailer for his compelling indie drama, "Paper Flowers," a heartfelt tale inspired by the real-life journey of Shalin Shah, a 22-year-old whose valiant fight against cancer captured the hearts of millions in 2015. The film is set to make its triumphant debut on June 20 at the prestigious Dances With Films Festival, gracing the TLC Chinese Theater in the heart of Hollywood. Additionally, it will captivate audiences with two more screenings on June 26, at the London Indian Film Festival and the Birmingham Indian Film Festival.
Boasting an impressive cast including Kapil Talwalkar of "Night Court," Olivia Liang from "Kung Fu," Karan Soni of "Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse" and "Deadpool," as well as Tom Everett Scott in "That Thing You Do," "Paper Flowers" is produced by the esteemed Asit Vyas. This emotional journey promises to leave a lasting impression on all who witness it.