Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and the esteemed Walt Disney Company jointly unveiled the highly anticipated official teaser for the eagerly awaited sequel, "Moana 2," on their respective YouTube channels this morning. Directed by the talented trio of David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, and produced by the dynamic Christina Chen and Yvett Merino, the film boasts an exceptional musical lineup, including Grammy winners Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, Grammy nominee Opetaia Foaʻi, and three-time Grammy winner Mark Mancina.
The official synopsis of the film reads like a thrilling adventure tale: Unexpectedly summoned by her ancestors, the intrepid Moana embarks on a perilous journey across the vast and treacherous waters of Oceania, facing challenges unlike any she has encountered before.
Scheduled for a theatrical release on November 27, 2024, the sequel promises to be a visual and auditory spectacle, with Johnson and Auli'i Cravalho reprising their roles. The original "Moana," released in 2016, captivated audiences worldwide, grossing over $687 million at the global box office and receiving Oscar nominations for Best Animated Feature and the haunting original song "How Far I'll Go" by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Set in the mysterious and enchanting world of ancient Polynesia, the first film introduced us to Moana's island, cursed by the demigod Maui. In a quest to restore balance, Moana answered the call of the Ocean and embarked on a journey to seek out Maui.
At this year's Cinemacon convention, Johnson teased footage from the sequel, receiving a rapturous applause and a prestigious NATO Spirit of the Industry Award. In his speech, Johnson spoke candidly about the fluctuations in the film industry, emphasizing that "despite all the changes, the one constant that will always remain is the theater business."
Check out the teaser for "Moana 2" above and prepare to be transported to a world of wonder, adventure, and unforgettable music.