Directed by Sean McNamara, the captivating biopic, Reagan, is poised to take over the big screens on August 30th. The trailer, which premiered recently, stars Dennis Quaid portraying the iconic figure of Ronald Reagan, chronicling his remarkable journey from humble beginnings to the prestigious White House.
The thrilling footage, released on Thursday, offers a glimpse into the life of the 40th President of the United States. As described in the film's synopsis, "From humble roots in a dusty small town, to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, and ultimately ascending to command the global stage, Reagan is a cinematic odyssey of overcoming adversity." The narrative is told through the eyes of Viktor Petrovich, a former KGB agent who witnessed Reagan's meteoric rise, capturing the essence of the indomitable American dream.
The trailer opens with a powerful monologue delivered by Quaid, portraying Reagan as a seasoned statesman. He declares, "There's nothing a retired governor can do, but as a president, now he can make a difference." The film weaves together significant moments from Reagan's life, ranging from his battles with childhood bullies to his tenure as the head of the Screen Actors Guild and his political ascension, from governing California to ultimately becoming the leader of the free world.
Penelope Ann Miller, portraying First Lady Nancy Reagan, delivers a poignant line later in the trailer, reminding Reagan of their early encounter and his desire to make a lasting impact on the world. She urges him, "You know what you have to do."
The star-studded cast also includes Jon Voight as Viktor Petrovich, Mena Suvari as Reagan's first wife Jane Wyman, Lesley-Anne Down as Margaret Thatcher, David Henrie as the teenage Reagan, Kevin Dillon as Jack Warner, and Amanda Righetti and Justin Chatwin portraying Reagan's parents, Nelle and Jack.
Reagan, a must-see biopic, is set to hit theaters on August 30th, promising a thrilling and emotional journey through the life and times of one of America's greatest leaders.