The Apple original film takes place against the tumultuous backdrop of the German bombing raids that ravaged the heart of the U.K.'s capital. As the city is engulfed in chaos, Rita (Ronan), fraught with worry, embarks on a desperate search for her missing son. This October, the world premiere of Steve McQueen's Blitz, starring Saoirse Ronan and Harris Dickinson, will grace the opening night of the 2024 BFI London Film Festival (LFF).
This Apple original film, helmed, produced, and scripted by Oscar-winning director Steve McQueen (12 Years a Slave), follows the harrowing journey of nine-year-old George, portrayed by newcomer Elliot Heffernan. Amidst the turmoil of the Second World War in London, George is sent to the safety of the English countryside by his mother Rita (Ronan), but his unwavering determination leads him to forge a path back to the streets of East London. As the relentless German bombing campaign intensifies its grip on the U.K. capital, George finds himself perilously lost in the chaos, while Rita, her heart heavy with fear, frantically searches for her missing child.
The star-studded cast includes Ronan, Heffernan, Harris Dickinson from The Iron Claw, Benjamin Clementine, Kathy Burke, Paul Weller, Stephen Graham, Leigh Gill, Mica Ricketts, CJ Beckford, Alex Jennings, Joshua McGuire, Hayley Squires, Erin Kellyman, and Sally Messham. McQueen, who has previously opened the LFF with Widows in 2018 and Mangrove in 2020, expressed his enthusiasm for this latest project, stating, "Blitz is a film that speaks to the soul of Londoners. It honors the resilience and perseverance of our city's people during those dark days of the blitz, while also capturing the true essence of London's diverse population. At its core, it tells the story of a working-class family yearning to be reunited during the war. I am thrilled that the BFI London Film Festival has invited us to open this year's festival and celebrate the World Premiere of Blitz in my hometown."
Kristy Matheson, the director of BFI's LFF, praised the film, saying, "Blitz is a film of epic scale, where Steve McQueen's masterful direction brings out the intricate nuances of every scene. The richness of the characters and the texture of the city are unparalleled, breathing new life into this timeless story. It's a breathtaking production that will leave audiences in awe of the director, his cast, and the entire creative team."
Produced by McQueen's Lammas Park alongside Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner of Working Title Films, Arnon Milchan, Yariv Milchan, and Michael Schaefer for New Regency, with producers Anita Overland and Adam Somner, Blitz will premiere in select cinemas on November 1 before streaming globally on Apple TV+ on November 22.