The illustrious Bollywood icon, Shah Rukh Khan, will grace the prestigious 77th Locarno Film Festival in August with the illustrious Pardo alla Carriera, or the Career Leopard award, in recognition of his lifelong achievements. This accolade, bestowed upon the "King Khan" of the silver screen, will be presented at the iconic Piazza Grande on August 10, marking a triumphant moment for the star of films like Panthaan, Don 2, and Om Shanti Om.
As a fitting tribute, the festival will showcase Khan's 2002 masterpiece, Devdas, directed by the esteemed Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Adding further grandeur to the occasion, Khan himself will engage in a lively Q&A session at the Forum @Spazio Cinema on August 11, offering fans a rare glimpse into the mind of this global icon.
Since his breakthrough performances in Baazigar (1993) and the timeless romantic classic Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995), the 58-year-old actor has reigned supreme at the box office and served as a global ambassador for Indian cinema. Films like Devdas, where he portrayed an alcoholic with profound sensitivity, and My Name Is Khan (2010), in which he portrayed a man with Asperger syndrome, have earned him critical acclaim.
Giona A. Nazzaro, the artistic director of the Locarno Film Festival, expressed his excitement in welcoming such a "living legend" as Khan to the 77th edition of the festival, describing it as a "dream come true." He praised Khan for his "wealth and breadth of contribution" to Indian cinema, stating, "Khan is a king who has never lost touch with the audience that crowned him. This brave and daring artist has always been willing to challenge himself while remaining true to what his fans all over the world eagerly expect from his films. A true 'people's hero,' sophisticated and down to earth, Shah Rukh Khan is a legend of our times."
This award comes on the heels of Khan's triumphant 2023, which saw the release of three blockbuster films: Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki, all of which enjoyed immense success. Jawan, directed by Atlee and produced by Khan's own Red Chillies Entertainment, has been hailed as the highest-grossing Hindi film of all time, earning close to $140 million. The 77th Locarno Film Festival will run from August 7 to 17, offering cinephiles a stellar lineup of films and unforgettable moments.