On Sunday, Disney+ unveiled the official trailer for Marvel Animation's eagerly anticipated series, "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man." The series is heralded by its official logline as "an animated journey that chronicles Peter Parker's transformation into a hero, embarking on an unparalleled path and embracing a style that honors the character's comic book origins from the early days."
The trailer begins with the iconic theme song ("Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can"), penned by Paul Francis Webster and Bob Harris for the 1967 cartoon series, instantly evoking nostalgia. It then transitions to Peter (voiced by Hudson Thomas), waking up hastily, rushing late for school, and narrowly escaping a car accident. "Petey's always had a touch of clumsiness," as his personality is aptly summed up.
In the midst of class, Peter glimpses a crime unfolding outside the classroom window and makes a comically abrupt exit: "Mr. Campbell, um, I forgot something in the bathroom. Peace out, Parker's gone." Donning a makeshift costume, Peter finds himself ridiculed by a villain: "Look at our next victim in his pathetic getup." To which Peter responds with a hint of self-doubt: "Is my suit really that terrible?"
Later in the trailer, Peter engages in a startling alliance with Norman Osborn (voiced by Colman Domingo), the head of Oscorp and none other than the Green Goblin, Spider-Man's archenemy. Osborn assures Peter, "With my guidance, greatness awaits you." He even gifts Peter a significantly upgraded Spidey suit. (This marks a divergence from the Marvel Cinematic Universe's live-action films, where Tony Stark, alias Iron Man, mentors Peter and presents him with the enhanced suit.)
Throughout the trailer, Peter ponders the weight of his responsibilities: "I genuinely believe I possess these powers to aid people, to shield them." The trailer concludes with Peter reverting to his high school student persona, being reprimanded by his teacher for tardiness. Watch the exhilarating trailer below.
Currently in development for a second season, the series will premiere on Disney+ on January 29. The voice ensemble also boasts Eugene Byrd, Grace Song, Zeno Robinson, Hugh Dancy, and Charlie Cox. Jeff Trammell serves as head writer, while Mel Zwyer directs with supervision. Executive producers include Brad Winderbaum, Kevin Feige, Louis D'Esposito, Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt, and Jeff Trammell.