This captivating tale delves into the intricate plotlines of "Abigail," currently stealing the spotlight in cinemas. Once envisioned as a contemporary reinterpretation of the iconic horror film "Dracula's Daughter," "Abigail" has transformed into a standalone thriller, shedding most of its ties to the 1936 Universal classic.
"Dracula's Daughter" chronicled the grown Countess Marya Zaleska's (Gloria Holden) futile attempts to shake off her vampiric curse following Dracula's demise. By stark contrast, "Abigail" introduces us to a vampire heroine, a girl named Abigail, who falls prey to a mercenary team led by the fiery Frank (Dan Stevens) and the composed Joey (Melissa Barrera). Mistakenly believing Abigail to be the helpless offspring of a wealthy tycoon eager to pay a ransom for her safe return, the mercenaries soon realize their error.
Abigail (portrayed by Alisha Weir) reveals that her father is Kristof Lazar, a notorious criminal lord with seemingly boundless resources, who is more likely to hunt them down and eliminate them than negotiate a ransom. As the mercenaries' luck seems to hit rock bottom, they stumble upon a shocking revelation - Abigail is a vampire who has cleverly manipulated them into "kidnapping" her, allowing her to seek vengeance for their various affronts against Lazar by eliminating them one by one.