The whimsical tale of "The Completely Made-Up Adventures Of Dick Turpin" has reached its untimely end. Season 2 of the Apple TV+ comedy series was abruptly halted following Noel Fielding's withdrawal from the production, roughly three-quarters into the filming process. The demise of "Dick Turpin's" adventures was first unveiled by The Sun newspaper. According to Deadline, there is no hope of salvaging Season 2, and producer Big Talk Studios has disbanded the entire cast and crew.
Apple, Big Talk, and Fielding's representative at PBJ Management have been reached out for their comments on this matter. In this irreverent retelling of the life of the 18th-century highwayman, Turpin emerges as the most renowned yet unlikely robber, whose success is largely attributed to his charm, showmanship, and magnificent mane. Alongside his lovable gang of rogues, Turpin embarks on a rollercoaster ride of new endeavors, including a fleeting encounter with fame and celebrity.
The historical comedy's inaugural season boasted an ensemble of British comedy stars, including Ellie White, Dolly Wells, and Mark Heap, with Apple promising that Season 2 would feature "a stellar lineup of Britain's finest comedy talents." Penned by Fielding, Richard Naylor, and Jon Brittain, the series was executive produced by Kenton Allen, Fielding, Victoria Grew, Anthony Wilcox, and Ben Palmer, while Naylor and Brittain served as co-executive producers. Palmer also took the helm as director, steering the ship with his distinctive vision.