The exhilarating spin-off series of 'The Bachelor' is poised to make a triumphant return in 2025, reigniting the hearts of reality TV enthusiasts worldwide. The iconic franchise is embarking on a journey back to Paradise, as ABC proudly announces the upcoming 10th season of 'Bachelor in Paradise.' Marking a milestone in the series' illustrious history, this season promises to grace our screens in the year 2025, with the exact premiere date still under wraps, adding to the anticipation.
'Bachelor in Paradise,' the summer sensation that debuted in 2014 as a sultry side-story to both 'The Bachelor' and 'The Bachelorette,' invites beloved alumni from the franchise to a sun-kissed Mexican resort for a second (or perhaps even a third) chance at igniting romantic sparks. The enchanting cast, handpicked to reignite passions, will be unveiled in the weeks leading up to the highly anticipated premiere.
This announcement arrives hot on the heels of Monday night's thrilling kickoff of 'The Bachelorette's' 21st season, featuring the groundbreaking Asian American lead, Jenn Tran. Her presence on the show marks a significant milestone for the long-running series, reflecting its commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
Furthermore, the fall season brings with it an exciting new addition: 'The Golden Bachelorette,' premiering on September 18th, starring Joan Vassos, a captivating contestant from 'The Golden Bachelor's' inaugural season, which paved the way for the senior-focused spin-off.
Longtime 'Bachelor in Paradise' bartender and fan favorite, Wells Adams, has mischievously speculated about the potential of a 'Golden Bachelor in Paradise,' envisioning a Florida-based paradise filled with golf cart rides, shuffleboard court dates, and, of course, his signature cocktails – perhaps with a side of Mylanta for good measure.
Produced by Warner Bros. Unscripted Television in collaboration with Warner Horizon, 'Bachelor in Paradise' continues to captivate audiences with its blend of romance, adventure, and unexpected twists, promising an unforgettable season 10 that will surely leave hearts fluttering and viewers eagerly awaiting each episode.