Among the towering triumphs of the cinematic masterpiece "Purple Rain," the emergence of "When Doves Cry" stands as an unplanned marvel, a last-minute masterpiece orchestrated by the director's inspired request. Prince, in a single nocturnal odyssey, penned and captured the essence of this song, etching it into the annals of music history.
His star blazed anew with the meteoric rise of "Purple Rain," a musical drama helmed by director Albert Magnoli that showcased Prince as The Kid—a gifted musician, rising from the ashes of abuse to confront rivalries (embodied by Morris E. Day) and embrace a soul-stirring romance (with Apollonia Kotero).
Following the seismic success of his 1982 album, "1999," Prince confided in his manager, Robert Cavallo, about his aspirations to conquer the silver screen. Amidst studio reluctance, Cavallo courageously assumed the reins, with Prince contributing the soulful tunes and weaving his personal narrative into the fabric of the story.
Collaboration flourished as Magnoli crafted the script alongside William Blinn (of "Fame" fame), while also embracing input from Prince's friends, who inhabited supporting roles, notably Day, leading the band assembled by Prince himself. Jerome Benton, the band's loyal sidekick, reminisces, "Albert would intertwine our voices, asking, 'If Morris spoke these words, how would you respond?' And vice versa, creating a dialogue that pulsed with authenticity."
Despite whispers of tension between Prince and Day on set, the cast recalls an invigorating presence. Jill Jones, a co-star and former romantic partner of Prince, attests, "His energy was omnipresent, cheering us on through every frame captured."
Halfway through production's journey, Magnoli yearned for an additional tune to underscore The Kid's struggles. And in a single studio session, Prince delivered "When Doves Cry," a sonic sensation that soared to the pinnacle of the Billboard Hot 100, marking his inaugural No. 1 single.
On July 27, 1984, Warner Bros. unleashed "Purple Rain" upon the world, which grossed a staggering $68 million (equivalent to $206 million today) and claimed the Oscar for Best Original Song Score. The soundtrack, too, achieved legendary status, attaining platinum status a remarkable thirteen times.
Four decades later, Prince's enigmatic charm persists. A stage adaptation of "Purple Rain" is poised to grace the theater in spring 2025, while Ryan Coogler has embarked on a journey to produce a jukebox musical, weaving Prince's timeless melodies into a Universal Studios spectacle. Benton, filled with pride, acknowledges the film's indelible impact: "Prince soared to new heights thereafter, yet 'Purple Rain' remains unparalleled—a testament to its timeless magic."
This captivating tale originally graced the pages of The Hollywood Reporter's July 31st edition.