After years of eager anticipation from Sarah and Kevin King's beloved "Granny" Rose Bell, her heartfelt wish for a great-grandchild finally blossomed into reality. In a viral TikTok video that has captivated audiences, Sarah beautifully captures the radiant joy that adorned Rose's face as the momentous news was unveiled in an imaginative and heartwarming manner.
Having been together for eight years and married for four, Sarah and Kevin were thrilled to share their pregnancy news with Rose, now 76 years young. "For years, she has been eagerly awaiting this news, and our response was always, 'Just wait until we're married,'" Sarah exclusively revealed to PEOPLE. "After our wedding, her impatience grew, urging us, 'You promised when you tied the, come on!'"
Determined to make the announcement unforgettable, the couple devised a clever plan, inspired by Rose's fondness for scratch-off lottery tickets. They presented her with a custom-made pregnancy announcement scratch-off, immortalizing her priceless reaction on camera. As Rose deciphered the hidden message, her face lit up with pure delight, and she instantly broke into prayer, expressing heartfelt gratitude to God for granting her long-held wish.
For Sarah, this moment carried profound personal significance. Having lost her own grandmother, she found solace and a cherished grandmother figure in Rose, Kevin's family matriarch. "It's truly a blessing," Sarah reflected, cherishing the joy of fulfilling Rose's long-awaited dream. "I understand that this is about her legacy."
Sarah and Kevin thoughtfully waited to share their pregnancy news until after their initial significant doctor's appointment. However, Rose's intuition was already at play, as she guessed they were expecting, pointing to Sarah's belly one day and exclaiming, "There's a baby in there!"
Now, with their son in their arms, Rose remains a beacon of wisdom and unwavering support. Her guidance revolves around faith, with Sarah sharing, "She always tells me that, above all else, I must show him the light of Christ. Teach him who God is."
The decision to post the viral clip arose as Sarah embarked on sharing her motherhood journey on social media. Though she never anticipated its widespread appeal, the video has since endeared Rose to countless viewers. "Everyone is claiming her as their granny now," Sarah laughed.
One user commented, "The shift I felt when I saw her face! She had been praying for this long before she ever voiced her wish to you. It was a beautiful moment." Another added, "Granny is going to pamper that baby rotten!"
As thousands of users resonate with Sarah and Kevin's bond with Rose, Sarah urges others to cherish these precious moments within their own families. "If you have your grandma in your life, embrace and love her fiercely, for her days are fleeting," she says.