The actress, Kate Beckinsale, unhesitatingly revealed her personal challenges on social media in response to a comment questioning her recent body transformation. With a bold and defiant spirit, she shared a video on Instagram, dressed in a minimal pink ensemble and adorned with a hair net, captioning it with a sarcastic toast: "Let's raise a glass to those who judge, to the critics, and to those with no empathy."
In the video, Beckinsale explained that the hair net was a necessity as some of her followers had expressed dissatisfaction with her for not conforming to "age-appropriate norms." One Instagram user even commented, urging her to do squats because "I think your ass is missing."
Unfazed, Beckinsale retorted with a heartfelt yet fiery response. She recalled watching her stepfather's shocking demise and disclosed that her mother was battling stage 4 cancer. "The stress and grief caused me to lose weight rapidly," she wrote. "I was hospitalized for six weeks as the grief had eroded a hole in my esophagus, resulting in vomiting blood. Eating became a struggle, and I was deeply immersed in a film that resonated with the loss of my father."
She concluded her response with a scathing remark, "So, I'm not too concerned about your opinion of my ass. Perhaps you should focus on your own. I suggest inserting something substantial into it—like a mammoth pineapple or a brick."
This was Beckinsale's first time revealing the specifics of her health struggles that had led to hospitalization, although she had previously spoken openly about her mother's cancer and stepfather's death. In March, she posted a carousel on Instagram, honoring her mother on Mother's Day in the U.K., including photos of herself in a hospital bed adorned with a large black bow.