The renowned screenwriter and director of "New World," Park Hoon-jung, who also penned the thriller "I Saw the Devil," has now crafted and helmed the Korean espionage-revenge-drama series, "The Tyrant." Produced by Goldmoon Pictures, this pulse-pounding four-part miniseries will premiere on the Disney+ streaming platform next month, on August 14th. The narrative revolves around a groundbreaking virus that is snatched during a covert exchange between Korean and U.S. intelligence agencies, igniting a war of words and action as both governments race to regain its possession.
Starring Jo Yoon-su, the avenging assassin Chae Jagyeong, alongside Cha Seoung-won as the ruthless mercenary Lim Sang, Kim Seon-ho portraying Director Choe, the mastermind behind the covert Korean project, and Kim Kang-woo as the U.S. intelligence agent Paul, the series promises a captivating tale.
According to the captivating synopsis, after enduring years of foreign oppression, a clandestine group of South Korean scientists embark on creating a virus dubbed 'The Tyrant Project.' This virus harbors the potential to level the playing field for their country against the world's superpowers. However, as the project nears completion, U.S. agents uncover the plan and demand the surrender of all samples. Refusing to relinquish his groundbreaking research, the group's leader recruits a shadowy black ops team to reclaim his creation. But when the attack goes awry, both sides are left scrambling to regain the virus and utilize its power for their own gain, setting the stage for a high-stakes espionage thriller.
Disney has invested heavily to strengthen its foothold in the Korean-language TV market, offering a diverse array of Korean dramas. Among them are "Moving," which follows South Korean special agents protecting their super-powered children from nefarious government agencies, "The Worst of Evil," detailing an undercover detective infiltrating a dangerous new gang, and the award-winning "Big Bet," starring Choi Min-sik as a serial entrepreneur who blurs the lines to boost his burgeoning casino empire.