During her audition for "The Wolf of Wall Street," Margot Robbie, the star of "Barbie," made a daring and imaginative choice that deviated from the script: she slapped Leonardo DiCaprio instead of kissing him, as revealed by the actress herself. Joking about the incident in a recent episode of the "Talking Pictures" podcast, Robbie noted that her spontaneous slap could technically be construed as an act of assault, potentially landing her in legal trouble.
Fortunately, DiCaprio and the film's director, Martin Scorsese, were so taken by Robbie's unconventional move that she not only avoided arrest but also secured the role in the movie. "It wasn't part of the script," Robbie clarified, referring to a scene where she and DiCaprio were supposed to share a moment of water-throwing banter.
Robbie recounted that during their improvisational session, DiCaprio eventually "reverted to the script, with the final line being, 'Come over here and kiss me.'" "In my mind, I was thinking, 'I could totally kiss Leonardo DiCaprio right now. That would be incredible. I can't wait to tell all my friends about this,'" Robbie reminisced. "But then, I thought, 'Nah.' Instead, I gave him a good slap across the face," she added with a hearty laugh.
According to Robbie, an eerie silence enveloped the room for what felt like an eternity until Scorsese and DiCaprio "erupted into laughter," praising her by exclamation, "That was great!" However, panic momentarily set in for Robbie. She feared, "You're going to get arrested. This is definitely assault and battery. Not only will your career be ruined, but you might even end up in jail for this."
Robbie portrayed DiCaprio's wife in "The Wolf of Wall Street," a role that marked her significant breakthrough when the film premiered in 2013. The movie garnered five Oscar nominations. Thankfully, Robbie's career never suffered due to her audacious slap. Instead, she has flourished in Hollywood as both an Oscar-nominated actress and producer.