The shocking incident appears to have compelled the renowned rapper to hastily reschedule her Manchester, England, concert. On Friday, it was announced that Nicki Minaj's Amsterdam concert had been abruptly canceled. The news followed her reported detention at the city's airport last week for alleged "possession of soft drugs."
According to Dutch police, who spoke to NBC News, "a 41-year-old American woman was arrested at Schiphol Airport," though the woman's identity was not disclosed. "After consultation with the Public Prosecution Service, the suspect was fined and allowed to continue her journey," the statement continued.
This dramatic turn of events seemingly pushed Minaj to hastily postpone her Manchester show on Saturday night. Now, her scheduled performance on June 2, at the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, has also been scrapped. The BBC reported that the star faced a fine of 350 euros (around $380) for the offense.
The music superstar, currently on her Pink Friday 2 world tour, documented her interactions with officials on social media on Saturday. In an Instagram Live session captured by numerous outlets and fans, an official is heard stating their intention to detain Minaj for "carrying drugs," which she vehemently denied. "I'm not going in there. I need a lawyer present," Minaj exclaimed from behind the camera.
Later, both she and the official acknowledged that she was "under arrest," leaving her bewildered as to the reason. However, the official simply ordered her to stop filming.
In a subsequent livestream, Minaj shared her emotions, saying, "I don't know when was the last time I felt so low, not being able to make it to Manchester. But it's not just that. It's knowing that something is being done to you deliberately, especially when you're a confident woman of a different race." She added, "I'm not going to dwell on the details, but the treatment I received was appalling. There was one compassionate lady there, among all the men, and I could sense her kindness. But the overall experience was truly disgusting, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone."