The beloved actress Nathalie Fay, who graced the silver screen in the hilarious 2009 blockbuster "The Hangover," has recently found herself embroiled in a tragic turn of events. The 36-year-old Canadian talent, whose real name resonates as Nathalie Tordion, was apprehended by the South Miami Police Department on August 17th, facing accusations of domestic battery.
According to arrest documents procured by Entertainment Weekly, the incident allegedly escalated from a verbal spat between Fay and her boyfriend, affectionately referred to as Brady. Their journey had begun innocently, with Brady picking up Fay from her abode to attend a thrilling Miami Dolphins football game. However, once inside his car, the mood shifted dramatically.
Fay, reportedly, "unleashed a barrage of accusations" towards Brady, questioning his whereabouts prior to their rendezvous. She even produced a map on her phone, pointing fingers and casting aspersions on his movements. The tension mounted as Brady peered at the device, only to be met with a fierce punch to the face from Fay's right fist. Startled and seeking solace, Brady attempted to flee the vehicle, but Fay, fueled by emotion, allegedly pursued him, grabbing him by the face before he could escape.
In her defense, Fay conceded to the authorities that she had indeed struck Brady but claimed it was an act of self-preservation, fueled by fear amidst Brady's alleged hostile words. Despite her explanation, Brady sustained minor injuries to his mouth and lip, serving as tangible evidence of the altercation.
Fay was promptly arrested and charged with domestic battery, later released on a $1,000 bond. Her legal journey continues, with a court date scheduled for September 16th, where she will be represented by a public defender. Attempts to reach a representative for Fay have thus far been unsuccessful.
Fondly remembered for her portrayal of Lisa, the cheerful hotel desk attendant at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Fay's character in "The Hangover" endeared her to audiences worldwide. Her infectious energy and witty exchanges with Alan, played by Zach Galifianakis, remain iconic. With roles in films like "Old School," "Blonde and Blonder," "Somewhere," and "Due Date," Fay's acting career was on a steady rise.
However, it seems that Fay has since veered away from the limelight, with her last credited role being the lead in the 2014 French-language film "Layover," directed by Joshua Caldwell. Since then, she has ventured into the realm of real estate, charting a new course in her professional journey.