Viggo Mortensen, the iconic Aragorn of the Academy Award-winning Lord of the Rings trilogy, recently divulged his reasoning behind not returning to another major Hollywood franchise. In a candid conversation with Vanity Fair, the actor revealed what draws him to the film roles he selects, emphasizing the importance of an intriguing narrative and meticulous writing. However, he confessed that franchises often fall short in these aspects.
"I'm not biased towards or against any particular genre or budget size," Mortensen clarified. "My sole criterion is the allure of a compelling story. Who's helming the project or its monetary value are not deciding factors. I won't take on a role solely because of who's directing. It's the narrative that matters most. And if I feel I'm suited for the character, that's when I make my choice."
He further elaborated, "This applies to franchises as well. If someone presented me with the third or ninth installment of a franchise, and I felt the character was captivating, that I had a genuine connection with the role, and believed I could bring something unique to it, I would jump at the opportunity. But typically, these franchises don't offer much in terms of originality or depth. They tend to be predictable. Of course, financial considerations always come into play, but that's a different matter."
Despite his indelible mark in the Lord of the Rings franchise, Mortensen told The Hollywood Reporter last month that he's unsure about reprising his role in Peter Jackson's new movie, set for a 2026 release. "I haven't read the script yet, so I can't say for sure," he said, referring to the upcoming Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum. "The script is paramount to me, unless I'm financially strapped and desperate for work. It all depends on the story."