In Indiana, a woman named Jourdan Hudson faces severe charges, including reckless homicide, following a devastating car accident that claimed the lives of her 25-year-old sister, Jaiden Samaria Marquis Newbolt, and a 6-year-old girl, Nalani Ella Ervins. The tragic incident unfolded on November 23, 2024, at approximately 7:58 p.m. local time, when the Allen County Sheriff’s Department responded to a crash scene where two occupants were ejected from the vehicle and pronounced deceased on the spot, one of them being a young child, as stated in a prior press release.
Identified by the Allen County Coroner, the victims were identified to PEOPLE as the aforementioned children and adult. Hudson, aged 23, now faces a multitude of charges, as reported by WANE 15. According to the Allen County Sheriff’s Department's online inmate information, she is charged with neglect of a dependent resulting in death, neglect of a dependent causing serious bodily injury, reckless homicide, and further neglect of a dependent. The bond for each charge has been set at $47,500, according to official documents.
WPTA reported that police stated Hudson was driving at speeds exceeding 100 mph when the group was en route to a birthday party. WANE 15 added that investigators determined she had reached speeds of up to 106 mph mere seconds before the collision. Initially, police noted upon arrival that officers and medics discovered an SUV with extensive damage and five individuals with injuries, confirming the deaths of two occupants, although their identities were not disclosed initially.
Hudson initially misled police by claiming her sister was driving, only admitting her true role as the driver four days later. She revealed that three children aged between 4 and 6 were in the car and, shockingly, they were not secured in car seats. The group had reportedly become lost while trying to follow another vehicle to the party, amidst an ongoing argument between Hudson and her sister. The fatal crash occurred as Hudson attempted to make a U-turn on the highway, according to WANE 15.
A hearing date has yet to be scheduled, as per WPTA. Attempts to obtain an update from the Allen County Sheriff’s Department and the Allen County Courthouse were unanswered at the time of contact by PEOPLE.