The renowned sportscaster, whose passion for calling football games and boxing matches remains unwavering for ESPN, has now embarked on a new journey as a member of the esteemed WWE broadcast team, alongside his ESPN counterpart, Pat McAfee. WWE, the wrestling juggernaut under the umbrella of TKO Group Holdings, has made a stellar addition to its on-air crew by recruiting Joe Tessitore as its new play-by-play broadcaster.
Tessitore, a longstanding veteran of ESPN who continues to shine brightly within the sports television giant, will grace the broadcast booth this summer. He will be joined by the insightful analyses of Wade Barrett and Corey Graves, forming a formidable trio. Tessitore's 22-year tenure at ESPN has seen him become a household name in college football coverage, calling Monday Night Football games, the Pro Bowl, and NFL wild card games with utmost dedication. Moreover, he stands as one of ESPN's leading boxing announcers, bringing his unique voice to the ring.
This latest move by WWE, under the guidance of chief content officer Paul "Triple H" Levesque, signifies a shift in its broadcasting approach. Traditionally, WWE announcers have been wrestlers or ex-wrestlers, much like Graves and Barrett, but recently, the organization has tapped into the expertise of ESPN talent, highlighting the dynamic and unscripted essence of its exciting events.
Earlier this year, Pat McAfee, the former football star transformed into an ESPN commentator, joined WWE full-time, maintaining his ESPN responsibilities while adding his voice to the WWE broadcasts alongside lead announcer Michael Cole. Before his ESPN deal, McAfee had already dabbled in WWE commentary. WWE has also bolstered its studio and production division by hiring veteran ESPN production executive Lee Fitting.
In a statement, Levesque exclaimed, "Whether it's a world title fight that captivates the globe or a college football rivalry that grips the nation, Joe's voice commands attention every time he steps behind the microphone. We are thrilled to welcome Joe to our esteemed broadcast team, alongside the legendary Michael Cole, bringing his unwavering energy and impeccable preparation to our WWE telecasts each week."
Tessitore echoed his enthusiasm, stating, "It's a privilege to be a part of WWE, whose recent successes and upward trajectory are nothing short of remarkable. Witnessing WrestleMania XL was a testament to that – from Cody, Seth, Roman, and The Rock to the creative and production teams, they are among the finest storytellers in television. Corey and Wade are absolute stars, and I am honored to join their ranks. Pat and Cole's chemistry is magical, and Cole is simply the greatest to ever occupy that announcer's chair. As a lifelong fan, I'm humbled to become a member of this exceptional team and serve our loyal fans."