The eve of the pivotal school match finds Jin immersed in a bizarre dreamscape where Guanyin, Anuj, Freddy, and even his beloved parents converge on the mysterious Beyond Repair stage. As he awakens, Jin realizes with a jolt that his dream had woven a cryptic tapestry of prophecies for the day ahead. A sense of urgency grips him, for he knows that inaction could spell calamity.
At school, the coincidence of the Autumnal Equinox aligning with this fateful day adds another layer of intrigue. It's revealed that during this celestial event, the veil between Heaven and Earth thins, granting the Bull Demon a window of opportunity to unleash his dark ambitions upon the heavens.
Amidst the chaos brewing within, Jin finds himself distanced from Amelia's gentle overtures, his mind consumed by the looming threat. Yet, alongside his steadfast companion Anuj and cunning strategist Wei-Chen, Jin devises a daring plan to bait the shape-shifting Bull Demon into revealing himself. Drawing inspiration from the Monkey King's legendary exploits in their cherished comic books, they discern that the upcoming football match offers the perfect stage for their trap.
In a parallel narrative, the Wang family's chance discovery of an unconscious but miraculously living Sun Wukong ignites a spark of hope. With the tender care of Mrs. Wang administering a potion blessed by Guanyin, they nurture the legendary hero back to consciousness.
Meanwhile, Jin's world is turned upside down when he realizes that Amelia harbors feelings for him, fulfilling a quiet yearning he had long kept hidden. As he grapples with this newfound revelation, Jin's resolve to thwart the Bull Demon's plans grows stronger, fueled by love, friendship, and the weight of destiny resting on his shoulders.
In the captivating play, Jin embodies the Bull Demon with remarkable fervor, baring his deepest insecurities to the world. The ruse unfolds seamlessly, as Wei-Chen and the Bull Demon engage in a breathtaking battle, their clash witnessed by the entire school, the audience mesmerized, believing it merely a virtuosic display by the cosplay club.
The Bull Demon triumphantly implants the wand deep into the earth, harnessing its primal force to threaten the very heavens. Wei-Chen's clock ticks perilously close to midnight, when Jin, with a sudden epiphany, steps forward. He realizes the profound truth he had overlooked: it was he, Jin, who stood as the pivotal balancer between warring factions, not the pendant alone. The revelation shatters his perceptions, revealing Jin to be the long-sought final scroll.
In a heroic gesture of unwavering faith, Jin sacrifices himself, diving over the gateway's staff to avert disaster. Just as he embarks on this noble quest, Wukong descends, his arrival timed perfectly to save his beloved offspring. Together, they vanish into thin air, leaving behind a trail of awe and wonder.
As Jin prepares to depart for home, Wei-Chen materializes, his appearance timed perfectly to bid Jin a heartfelt farewell. Gratitude oozes from every word as he expresses his profound thanks for saving his world from ruin. They embrace, a promise of reunion lingering in the air as they part ways.
Yet, fate has other plans. News swiftly spreads that Jin's parents have fallen into the clutches of the Iron Princess, who delivers an ultimatum: Jin must accompany her if he ever wishes to see his parents again. The stakes have risen, and Jin stands on the precipice of an even greater adventure, one that will test his courage, wisdom, and the bonds of love he holds dear.