Black Out – K-drama Episode 5

Published: Sep 06 2024

Episode 5 of "Blackout: Snow White Must Die" unfolds with a poignant flashback, painting a vivid picture of Jeong-woo's youthful disobedience. His mother's gentle plea to refrain from driving the car falls on deaf ears as he mischievously disregards her concerns, slipping behind the wheel regardless. The narrative abruptly shifts to the present, where Jae-hee confronts Gu-tak, accusing him and his actions as the catalyst for Bo-young's tragic demise.

Black Out – K-drama Episode 5 1

Another haunting flashback surfaces, transporting us to the fateful day when Bo-young stumbled upon the shocking truth of her mother's affair with Gu-tak. Her world shattered, Bo-young flees the scene in a panic, her footsteps echoing through the emptiness until she reaches the desolate warehouse. In the present, Jae-hee's desperation leads her to plead with Gu-tak, imploring him to free Dong-min from the confines of prison. Gu-tak's cold refusal only fuels Jae-hee's resolve, threatening to unravel his deepest, darkest secrets.

Meanwhile, Jeong-woo is on a relentless quest to unravel the mysteries of that fateful night, his mind racing as he reconstructs every detail leading up to Da-eun's disappearance and Bo-young's brutal murder. A chilling realization dawns: the car he drove that night was dangerously low on fuel, making it impossible for him to have returned from the abandoned school after discarding Bo-young's lifeless body.

At the police station, tensions boil over as Byeong-moo's composure fractures under Sang-cheol's insistent reinvestigation. The mere mention of Da-eun's name ignites a storm of emotions within him, his anxiety palpable. Sang-cheol observes this turmoil but chooses to tread cautiously.

Elsewhere, Ha-seol delves into her memories, her mind racing to connect the dots. A eureka moment strikes—Su-oh, with his artistic eye, might have unwittingly captured the horrors of that night in his paintings, making him a crucial, albeit unknowing, witness. Ha-seol scrutinizes interrogation footage, painstakingly piecing together Jeong-woo's movements from that fateful evening.

In a remarkable coincidence, Jeong-woo, too, finds himself hailed by a taxi, bound for the grim location where Bo-young's body was discovered. He retraces his steps, hypothesizing his own actions in an attempt to reconcile with the impossible—disposing of Bo-young's corpse amidst the chaos.

Sang-cheol's meticulous analysis of the case files yields a damning conclusion: the logistical impossibility of Jeong-woo committing both murders within the same timeframe. Jeong-woo, too, acknowledges the truth, recognizing his inability to return to the warehouse and slay Da-eun after abandoning Bo-young's body.

As Sang-cheol arrives at the warehouse, he confronts Jeong-woo, their discussion interrupted by Ha-seol's arrival. She drops a bombshell, revealing that Su-oh's paintings may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of that night, painting a chilling portrait of the crime scene long before anyone knew the truth.

Sang-cheol vehemently contends that Su-oh's neurological affliction renders him an untrustworthy witness, casting doubt on his testimony. Ha-seol, resolute, vows to return with the painting, determined to sway Sang-cheol's opinion and secure her departure from the conflict.

As night descends, Jeong-woo's fragile psyche succumbs to the weight of past traumas, revisiting the years of relentless suffering he and his family endured. Returning to the hospital's hushed corridors, he succumbs to a heart-wrenching breakdown.

Dawn breaks, and Na-kyeom enters the hospital with a gentle resolve, checking on Jeong-woo despite his initial attempts to push her away. Undeterred, she stands firm, insisting they share a meal, offering a moment of solace amidst the chaos. Over their meal, Jeong-woo's voice quivers as he reveals the chilling coincidence: Da-eun's murder and Bo-young's body's disposal were inextricably linked in time. He declares his intention to confront the police, urging them to reopen the case and seek justice.

Meanwhile, Byeong-moo orchestrates a meeting between Jae-hee, Choo-ho, Heung-soo, and Dong-min, as they grapple with the next steps for Bo-young's funeral, now that her remains have been discovered. Tempers flare as Jae-hee and Dong-min engage in a heated argument, his fists clenched in anger, threatening to strike her. Stunned and hurt, Jae-hee storms out, leaving the tense atmosphere behind.

In an unexpected encounter, Ha-seol bumps into Gu-tak, who happens to be at the restaurant to meet with Heung-soo and Choo-ho. The chance meeting adds another layer of complexity to the already tangled web of emotions and motives swirling around the mysterious circumstances.

The gathering deepened in solemnity as they deliberated over Bo-young's imminent funeral arrangements and the miraculous discovery of her remains by Jeong-woo. Gu-tak, with a note of earnestness, implored the men to desist from further involving Jeong-woo and pledged to personally persuade him to leave the town's troubled waters. Moreover, he confided in Choo-ho, requesting him as a personal favor to dismiss Ha-seol from her duties.

Later that day, Ha-seol's path crossed with Hyung-sik, her heart heavy with concern for Su-oh's wellbeing. She earnestly sought an update on his condition, yearning for a glimpse of him, only to be gently discouraged by Hyung-sik, who deemed him unfit for visitors. Undeterred, Ha-seol entrusted Hyung-sik with the message to inform her of the precise moment she could be reunited with Su-oh before departing.

As Ha-seol retraced her steps, fate played a curious trick; her gaze caught a fleeting resemblance to Su-oh, a figure alighting from a taxi and disappearing into Gu-tak's abode. Coincidentally, Sang-cheol's encounter with the police at the station unraveled a web of inconsistencies within the investigation, igniting a fiery response from Section Chief Hee-do. Yet, Gu-tak's steady hand quenched the flames, insisting that the case lay dormant until fresh evidence emerged.

Jeong-woo's sudden appearance at the station, fueled by determination, demanded a reopening of the case, but Gu-tak stood firm in his refusal. Seeking privacy, he counseled Jeong-woo, his words laced with compassion for the son of his late friend, emphasizing the lengths he'd gone to shield Jeong-woo from harsher consequences. He cautioned that stirring the pot now would only fan the flames of controversy.

Just as Jeong-woo turned to leave, Jae-hee's ominous text message to Gu-tak loomed, a veiled threat demanding Dong-min's release. Gu-tak, scrutinizing Dong-min's interrogation footage, seized upon perceived irregularities in Sang-cheol's tactics, using this as leverage to convince Hee-do to set Dong-min free. The news reached Jae-hee, who received Gu-tak's call with a sense of triumph.

Freed from confinement, Dong-min wasted no time in contacting Choo-ho, his voice dripping with malice as he plotted the hire of a hired gun.

On the flipside, Assemblywoman Young-sil patiently awaits Hyung-sik's arrival for their dinner engagement at a cozy local eatery. Amidst the bustling atmosphere, guests flock to her side, their spirits lifted by her presence. Selfies are snapped, and heartfelt gratitude fills the air as they thank Young-sil for her tireless efforts on their behalf.

As night deepens, Choo-ho and Heung-soo cross paths with Dong-min, sparking a heated debate. Heung-soo passionately urges Dong-min to reconsider his deadly resolve towards Jeong-woo, only to be met with resistance from the other two men, who implore him to withdraw from the fray.

Concurrently, Jeong-woo finds solace in conversation with Sang-cheol over drinks at a dimly lit bar. Their discussion revolves around the imperative to reinvestigate the case, with Sang-cheol revealing his ulterior motive: to apprehend his own accomplice, though he was not part of Jeong-woo's team. Jeong-woo confesses that his visit to the warehouse stemmed from a rage fueled by Da-eun's callous rejection; he had misconstrued her actions as betrayal. Sang-cheol, however, soberly informs him that the case remains shuttered until fresh evidence surfaces.

At the dinner table, Young-sil engages Hyung-sik in lighthearted conversation about work, subtly probing if the weight of Su-oh's situation is weighing heavily on him. As he excuses himself to the restroom, fate intervenes, and he stumbles upon one of his female patients. This chance encounter inadvertently leads Young-sil to delve into Hyung-sik's phone, where she discovers a message that sends shockwaves through her being.

Meanwhile, Heung-soo's anxiety escalates in the presence of Byeong-moo, while Dong-min, armed with malice, makes his way to Jeong-woo's abode, intent on ending his life. Back at the hospital, Ha-seol's concern for Su-oh prompts her to inquire about his wellbeing, noticing the light in his room still aglow. Gu-tak, swift to action, escorts her to prove that Su-oh indeed remains under medical care. Their exit is marred by an unexpected encounter with a Su-oh doppelganger, leaving Gu-tak stupefied.

As the night reaches its climax, Jeong-woo steps into his domicile, only to find Dong-min already inside, gun aimed straight at him. Jeong-woo stands his ground, unfazed, as the tension mounts to a crescendo. And then, with a deafening gunshot, the episode abruptly draws to a cliffhanger, leaving their fates hanging in the balance.

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