Black Out – K-drama Episode 6

Published: Sep 06 2024

Episode 6 of "Blackout: Snow White Must Die" unfolds with a haunting flashback, set a decade prior, where Jeong-woo covertly pays Bo-young's school fees, shielding her from the humiliation of financial struggles before her peers. He also heroically steps in to prevent Bo-young and Jae-hee from being brutalized by the drunken Dong-min. The narrative abruptly shifts to the present, where Jeong-woo aids Sang-cheol in dispersing a gang of thugs.

Black Out – K-drama Episode 6 1

Moments later, Sang-cheol receives a shocking text from the police, informing them of Dong-min's unlawful and unexpected release from prison. Dong-min's call to Jeong-woo soon follows, demanding a meeting at his residence. Despite Sang-cheol's urgent warnings, Jeong-woo resolutely sets out to confront Dong-min, with the determined cop trailing close behind.

Concurrently, Dong-min sneaks into Jeong-woo's abode, a gun clutched in his hand, while Choo-ho maintains a watchful vigil outside. As Jeong-woo enters his home, he attempts to reason with Dong-min, recalling the years of torment Bo-young endured due to Dong-min's alcoholism and Jae-hee's domestic abuse. This recollection only fuels Dong-min's rage, who trains his weapon on Jeong-woo. Jeong-woo, with unwavering honesty, declares his innocence in Bo-young's death and dares Dong-min to pull the trigger. Dong-min complies, but his aim falters.

Sang-cheol's timely arrival prompts Dong-min to flee through a hidden exit, leaping into Choo-ho's waiting car. Meanwhile, Gu-tak introduces Ha-seol to Geon-oh, his younger son and Su-oh's brother, but Geon-oh remains stoic, ignoring her greetings as she departs.

Sang-cheol meticulously bandages Jeong-woo's forehead wound, vowing to stay the night as his protector. Geon-oh seeks clarification from Gu-tak about Su-oh's condition, learning that he's been hospitalized following another epileptic episode. Gu-tak issues a stern warning, urging Geon-oh to leave town and forbidding any contact with Jeong-woo or others.

Elsewhere, Young-sil and Hyung-sik return from dinner, with Young-sil querying her husband about a threatening message and cautioning him against jeopardizing her electoral aspirations. The following dawn, Sang-cheol awakens in Jeong-woo's home, discovering the bullet that narrowly missed its mark. He promptly disperses a group of mischievous children who had been vandalizing the property.

As Jeong-woo steps through the threshold of his home, Sang-cheol's voice echoes with concern, inquiring if he's resigned to the villagers' relentless bullying and aggression. Urging him to flee the town, Jeong-woo stands firm, his resolve unwavering. He insists on staying, driven by a need to avenge his beloved friends and mother's injustice. He appeals to Sang-cheol, begging him to breathe new life into the case, seeking justice for those he holds dear. Sang-cheol solemnly replies, explaining that they must uncover fresh evidence to reopen the long-buried truth.

Determined, Jeong-woo delves into his nostalgic photo albums, reminiscing about a particular bag that once accompanied Bo-young everywhere during their high school days. With Sang-cheol by his side, they embark on a quest to locate this elusive keepsake.

Meanwhile, Gu-tak's steps echo through Geon-oh's chamber, revealing a trove of liquor bottles. Jarring Geon-oh from his slumber, he demands that Geon-oh make haste in returning overseas, never to return again. Geon-oh's world shatters as he reads of Bo-young's tragic fate in a newspaper clipping, his heart heavy with grief.

Elsewhere, Jung-sook settles Ha-seol's debts, then unexpectedly dismisses her from her employ. Ha-seol, perplexed and pleading, is met with a cold revelation: Gu-tak's hand in her dismissal. Seeking answers, Ha-seol ventures to Gu-tak's abode, only to find Geon-oh, his face flushed with drunkenness, gripping a wine bottle. He offers Ha-seol a sip, which she politely declines, intrigued by her connection to Su-oh.

Jeong-woo's steps lead him to Bo-young's former abode, where Jae-hee's愤怒manifests in a swift slap upon sighting him. Ignoring the blow, Jeong-woo presses on, seeking the purple backpack that once adorned Bo-young's shoulders. Jae-hee's voice trembles as she recounts Geum-hee's selfless support throughout her life's tumultuous times, and the heartbreaking truth that Jeong-woo's actions took her daughter's life. Caught between gratitude and hatred, Jae-hee begs Jeong-woo to leave the town, vowing to care for Geum-hee herself. With tears streaming down her face, she insists that he flee as soon as possible.

Concurrently, Choo-ho endeavors to shield Dong-min from the clutches of arrest, his confidence bolstered by Dong-min's assertion that Jeong-woo would never betray him by revealing his secrets. Within the confines of the police station, Sang-cheol's voice echoes with gravity as he peruses Bo-young's autopsy report, declaring that the evidence hints at a harrowing possibility—sexual assault, supported by indications of a pelvic fracture.

Hee-do, however, counters with steadfast conviction, arguing that such a fracture could stem from myriad other circumstances and reminds Sang-cheol poignantly of the body's 11-year-long decomposition, casting doubts on the immediacy of such conclusions. Sang-cheol, dissatisfied and unyielding, escalates the matter to Gu-tak, insistent that the absence of panties and the pelvic fracture point unmistakably to sexual violation.

Gu-tak, seeking clarity, consults a forensic expert whose professional opinion dampens Sang-cheol's fervor. The expert's words are unequivocal—the autopsy findings on Bo-young lack the definitiveness required to justify a case reopening. Amidst this revelation, Sang-cheol's frustration simmers as he divulges Dong-min's attempted murder of Jeong-woo, querying the rationale behind Dong-min's premature release from prison. Gu-tak, unperturbed, explains the turn of events, elucidating that Dong-min's confession has been retracted due to its alcoholic-induced nature, leaving the room heavy with the weight of unresolved mysteries.

Gu-tak implores Sang-cheol to redirect his efforts towards assisting Bo-young's family in arranging a dignified funeral, rather than pursuing the reopening of the case. Simultaneously, Jeong-woo enlists the aid of Na-kyeom and Min-soo in his endeavors. Geon-oh ventures out, his heart heavy, to meet Jeong-woo, only to be met with the devastation of his vandalized abode, causing him to break down.

Meanwhile, Young-sil, her voice tinged with urgency, tasks her secretary with uncovering the sender of the menacing messages aimed at Hyung-sik. At the hospital, Ha-seol confronts Hyung-sik, requesting a visit with Su-oh. As she mentions her residence at the Muchen Garden restaurant, Hyung-sik's mind flashes back to his past exchanges with Da-eun. Barely has Ha-seol departed the doctor's chambers when Hyung-sik receives another text from his elusive "victim," accusing him of a murder committed eleven years prior. Suspicion falls heavily on Ha-seol, and Hyung-sik offers to grant her audience that very evening.

Min-soo shares a meal with his parents and Dong-min amidst his quest to uncover Bo-young's missing backpack. Geon-oh, on a different mission, visits Byeong-moo's abode, where he encounters Heung-soo, Byeong-moo's father. With a heavy heart, Geon-oh beseeches Heung-soo to summon Byeong-moo home, and reluctantly, the elder obliges.

Elsewhere, Sang-cheol engages with the high school teachers, inquiring about Bo-young and Da-eun's past. His path crosses with Jeong-woo's, both men vying for the teachers' attention. Sang-cheol confesses their pressing time constraints in seeking the case's reopening before Bo-young's funeral.

Byeong-moo arrives at the restaurant accompanied by Jae-hee, pressing Dong-min to expedite Bo-young's funeral arrangements. However, Heung-soo interrupts, attempting to whisk Byeong-moo away before Geon-oh's arrival. Geon-oh's timely presence disrupts the scene, and he engages Dong-min in a heartfelt conversation about Bo-young's passing. Amidst Min-soo and Byeong-moo's attempts to silence him, Geon-oh offers a heartfelt apology for his tardiness.

Geon-oh bursts into laughter, drawing the attention of all, and the duo hastily escorts him out of the restaurant amidst the commotion. As he exits, Geon-oh effusively expresses his joy over Min-soo and Byeong-moo's accomplishments before disappearing into the night. Inside, Choo-ho urges Heung-soo to compose himself, to feign indifference, lest Dong-min's suspicions linger.

Gu-tak, meanwhile, endeavors to secure a flight for Geon-oh's return to the US, only to discover a devastating revelation—Geon-oh's passport has been flagged due to his involvement in a drug trafficking scandal, rendering him unable to leave the country.

Into Gu-tak's office strides Jeong-woo, seeking a thorough recap of the case. Gu-tak reveals the damning evidence: the wrench used in Da-eun's murder, discovered in Jeong-woo's room, and his shoes, splattered with blood and mud, hinting at his midnight departure despite the relentless downpour. Jeong-woo protests his innocence, explaining the shoes were a gift from his mother, never worn by him, and inquires about Bo-young's missing purple backpack, casting a shadow of doubt.

The situation escalates when Jeong-woo boldly inquires about Su-oh and Geon-oh's activities on the fateful night, stunning Gu-tak. Enraged, Hee-do loses patience and dismisses Jeong-woo from the precinct.

Elsewhere, Sang-cheol seeks a private audience with Bo-young's homeroom teacher, uncovering Jeong-woo's impeccable academic record and unwavering friendship towards Bo-young.

As the night deepens, Young-sil's secretary trails Hyung-sik, who ferries Ha-seol away in his car, their movements shrouded in mystery.

Concurrently, Geon-oh sneaks into the greenhouse, searching frantically amidst the potted plants. His efforts are rewarded when he unearths a suitcase, which he promptly conveys to Jeong-woo's residence. Gu-tak, realizing the suitcase's disappearance, dispatches Choo-ho and Heung-soo on a frantic search for Geon-oh.

In a dramatic turn, Geon-oh confronts Jeong-woo within his own home, offering a heartfelt apology. He gestures towards the suitcase, revealing the purple backpack that holds the key to their mutual torment. The episode climaxes with Jeong-woo's searing question, his gaze piercing Geon-oh: "Did you kill Bo-young?"

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