The trio's mission is to unravel the mystery surrounding the disappearance of three individuals during the Samhain Festival in this town, a quarter-century ago. They engage their driver, Sean, in a brief conversation about the baffling case, and Dove's disdain for returning to her Irish roots is palpable.
Their accommodation is a cozy bed and breakfast owned by Mrs. O'Shea, who later turns out to be Sean's mother. An eerie encounter with a wolf in the hotel's living room leaves Dove perplexed, wondering if it was a figment of her imagination or something more sinister. Mrs. O'Shea's behavior becomes increasingly odd as the group shares their podcast's focus with her.
To commence their investigation, Gilbert, Dove, and Emmy head to the site where the Samhain Festival took place decades ago. The trio is searching for clues about the vanished Fiona Doyle, Malachy O'Connor, and an unnamed boy. Their inquiries at a local pub yield scant information, but a chance encounter with Seamus Gallagher offers Gilbert a drink and a potential lead. Meanwhile, Dove crosses paths with a mysterious man who claims to know the fate of the missing individuals, but his tale of "being attacked by horses" and seeing a horse transform into a woman sounds too far-fetched for her to believe. Frustrated, Dove is ready to call it a night until she spots the wolf again.
The following morning, Gilbert is nursing a hangover from his night of revelry at the pub and receives a call from his wife, Amber, revealing their financial woes. Emmy informs the group that Sean is missing, leaving them stranded without a vehicle. Dove decides to embark on a solo mission to find Sean, but she soon gets lost in the unfamiliar terrain. Meanwhile, Gilbert and Emmy embark on a walkabout, hoping to interview more locals and gather clues about the long-forgotten disappearances.
Meanwhile, Gilbert and Emmy engaged Sergeant Power in a probing interview, delving into the mysterious night at the Samhain Festival and the baffling disappearances. However, he brushed them off, insisting that the trio had simply vanished without a trace. As he continued to drown his sorrows in alcohol, his drunkenness grew more apparent, forcing Gilbert and Emmy to usher him to bed. But upon their departure, Sergeant Power abruptly rose, appearing perfectly composed, revealing that he had been feigning his intoxication. Evidently, he was reluctant to discuss the disappearances, whatever the reason might be.
Elsewhere, Dove stealthily trailed Seamus after his departure from Sean's abode, but he soon caught on and confronted her. She fabricated a story, claiming she was merely taking a leisurely stroll, but he saw through her lies. He expressed his bewilderment as to why they persisted in dredging up unsettling memories of Bodkin for their podcast. Dove, however, appeared perplexed, asking if they had crossed paths before. Seamus adamantly denied any prior encounter and urged her to let the past remain buried.
Following this encounter, Dove became the hunted, this time pursued by an unfamiliar vehicle. Frantically, she darted into the woods and back onto the street, ultimately colliding with the car and tumbling to the ground. Two masked men emerged, threatening her and demanding that she abandon her podcast. After their menacing warning, they allowed her to flee. As she stumbled away, she caught a fleeting glimpse of the wolf again.
As Gilbert and Emmy departed Sergeant Power's residence, Gilbert was dismayed to discover that Emmy had secretly procured a file from his house, dating back to the year of the mysterious disappearances. While Emmy intended to be helpful, Gilbert felt strongly that they should adhere to ethical boundaries. The episode culminated in a tense moment as the pair stumbled upon Sean's car, engulfed in flames. The question remains: how is Sean intertwined with Seamus, and what sordid business are they embroiled in? Hopefully, these mysteries will soon be unraveled!