Cinderella at 2am – K-drama Episode 7

Published: Sep 19 2024

Episode 7 of "Cinderella at 2 AM" unravels with a breathtaking turn as Ju-won chance upons Yoon-seo and Seong-min locked in a tender embrace, yet his response is nothing short of astonishing – a serene silence that borders on blessing, followed by a discreet retreat. This unprecedented act leaves Yoon-seo bewildered and audiences alike pondering in confusion. But swiftly, the veil of mystery lifts – Ju-won is embodying the cunning of his elder brother's wisdom, embarking on a meticulously crafted strategy of "retreating to advance," a gambit aimed at recapturing Yoon-seo's heart in the intricate game of love. He voluntarily forges a distance, even relocating to a different workspace, marking the inaugural step in his strategic dance.

Cinderella at 2am – K-drama Episode 7 1

Si-won, ever the strategist, next counsels Ju-won to adopt the persona of the "villain," leading him to challenge every proposal Yoon-seo brings forth with relentless skepticism. Frustration boils over for Yoon-seo, who unleashes her feelings to I-rae over dinner at her restaurant. Undeterred, Si-won suggests a new tactic: make Yoon-seo jealous. Ju-won hesitates, but fate intervenes when Yoon-seo happens upon him with another woman, none other than Mi-jin, who had arrived unexpectedly to visit Si-won.

Mi-jin's arrival, armed with a box of macarons, stems from a chance encounter on Instagram where Si-won accidentally liked one of her posts. She seizes the moment, capturing a photo of Si-won with a macaron and sharing it online, much to Si-won's initial annoyance, suspecting a mere publicity stunt. However, as he scrolls through the positive comments, a smile creeps across his face.

Realizing her misstep, Mi-jin apologizes and deletes the photo, leaving Si-won momentarily crestfallen. But her confession—that she posted it because she found him endearing—melts his heart. They seize the moment, posing for another photo, this time imbued with genuine affection, and share it on Instagram, marking a new chapter in their burgeoning connection.

Meanwhile, Yoon-seo's heart begins to surrender to the belief that Ju-won has indeed embarked on a new journey, leaving their past behind. She indulges in nostalgia, reliving the cherished moments they shared, particularly the sparkle of her birthday celebrations, anticipating a surprise from him that never arrives. Ju-won, however, is consumed by melancholy, lamenting his absence from her special day.

Fate takes a turn as Si-won grants Ju-won the liberty to pursue Yoon-seo anew, emboldening him to plan a proposal that would mend their broken ties. But fate had other plans; Ju-won's efforts to reach her are thwarted as Yoon-seo, upon receiving the devastating news of her mother's demise, rushes from the office, her world shattered.

Revelations unravel about Yoon-seo's tumultuous upbringing, where her mother mirrored her father's neglect, standing idly by as she suffered abuse. After her father's untimely death during her college years, her mother sought to burden her with his debts, a burden Yoon-seo resolutely refused to bear.

As Ju-won's anxiety mounts with every unanswered call, Yoon-seo finds solace in Seong-min's company, sharing the depths of her troubled past over drinks. Seong-min, discerning her unwavering affection for Ju-won, makes the compassionate choice to alert him. Ju-won, unhesitating, arrives to collect Yoon-seo from her slumber, cradling her gently home, where she silently departs.

Yoon-seo, her heart heavy with grief, informs her brother Ji-suk of their mother's passing. His protective instincts urge him to discourage her from attending the funeral, yet Yoon-seo, driven by a complex mix of emotions, finds herself at the funeral home, unable to offer the customary respects.

Ji-suk, acutely aware of her struggle, reaches out to Ju-won, who, unbidden, appears at the funeral to be her rock. Initially, Yoon-seo pushes him away, her defenses still intact. But as the episode draws to a poignant close, her resolve crumbles, and she finds solace in Ju-won's embrace, tears streaming down her face as they stand together, facing the pain.

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