Cinderella at 2am – K-drama Episode 8

Published: Sep 19 2024

Episode 8 of "Cinderella at 2am" kicks off with a heartwarming moment as Ju-won tenderly proposes to Yoon-seo, her emotions finally settled after a tumultuous outburst. He gently urges her to take her time weighing the decision, granting her space to contemplate. Deeply moved, Yoon-seo later confides in I-rae, confessing her trepidation – she fears she lacks the means to reciprocate Ju-won's affections.

Cinderella at 2am – K-drama Episode 8 1

Meanwhile, Ju-won shares the news of his proposal with his brother, vowing to navigate the obstacles and persuade their mother to embrace their union. As he anxiously awaits Yoon-seo's response, Ju-won finds himself restless, his heart heavy with anticipation.

Unbeknownst to him, the chairwoman learns of his matrimonial aspirations and issues a stern command, ordering him to relocate to Spain. The winds of gossip swiftly carry this news, eventually reaching Yoon-seo's ears. Yet, she hesitates, finding it difficult to muster the courage to plead with Ju-won to stay.

The following dawn, Yoon-seo seeks solace at Seong-min's studio, pouring out her heartfelt insecurities of feeling like an underwhelming Cinderella beside her princely Ju-won. Seong-min, ever the compassionate soul, gently guides her away from such self-doubt, urging her to embrace her true self. He highlights her unwavering resilience, encouraging her to chase after Ju-won, just as she fearlessly pursues what truly matters to her heart.

Just as Yoon-seo finds strength in Seong-min's words, a message from Ju-won shatters her composure – he's departing for Spain. Empowered by her newfound conviction, she dashes to the airport, heart pounding, and professes her undying love to Ju-won amidst an emotional embrace. To her chagrin, she soon discovers the truth behind his departure – a mere five-day business trip, not a permanent farewell.

Over those fleeting five days, Yoon-seo and Ju-won reignite their bond, their love thriving through an unbreakable thread of messages and calls, weaving a tale of resilience and devotion amidst the chaos of their world.

Ju-won's timely return coincides with the crucial college exams of Ji-suk, and the two embark on a journey back to the office, their hearts filled with plans to seize every opportunity to reunite amidst life's relentless pace. However, their aspirations are met with a series of unexpected hurdles.

First and foremost, the deputy team leader's world shatters when he learns of his missed promotion, leaving him devastated. Meanwhile, Ji-suk, who had initially intended to celebrate his milestone with friends, finds himself drawn to a quiet dinner with Yoon-seo instead. But fate intervenes, as Ji-suk's friends beckon him away, prompting Yoon-seo to cut her evening short. En route to meet Ju-won, she receives a call that pulls her towards consoling the distraught deputy team leader.

In a heartfelt revelation, Yoon-seo uncovers the reason behind his delayed promotion: he is destined to ascend the ranks as the next team leader once she vacates her position. Ju-won's timely arrival serves as a balm, clearing the air and allowing the couple to redirect their focus solely on nurturing their burgeoning relationship.

Elsewhere, Si-won and Mi-jin find themselves spending increasingly more time in each other's company. Mi-jin's lens captures Si-won's every moment, a move that inadvertently boosts the company's stock prices and earns them a reprieve from the chairwoman's strict social media ban. Yet, Si-won misinterprets their excursions as romantic dates, only to be met with disappointment when he realizes Mi-jin doesn't share the same sentiment. Confronting her with his emotions, Mi-jin swiftly adjusts her stance, confessing she had mistakenly assumed he relished the attention and was merely striving to bring him joy. Amidst this emotional exchange, Si-won courageously confesses his feelings for Mi-jin.

Returning to Yoon-seo and Ju-won's story, they escape to a serene park, seeking solace amidst nature. However, Ju-won's mind inevitably wanders back to work, prompting a change of scenery to the intimacy of his home. There, Yoon-seo waits patiently, her heart heavy with guilt for the challenges she inadvertently caused in his life. But Ju-won's gentle kiss silences her apologies, sealing the moment with a tender embrace that lingers long after the episode fades to a heartwarming conclusion.

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