In the seventh episode of "The Dead Boy Detectives," Esther finally emerges from the underground dimension, her arrival timed with a visit to the Cat King. This royal feline had exposed Monty's secret, and now, with Edwin banished to Hell, his bracelet had been reclaimed. The Cat King warned Esther to steer clear of the boys, emphasizing the agony Edwin had endured in surviving the horrors of Hell. Fueled by anger, Esther took swift action, slaying the Cat King. As he crawled out of his lifeless shell, he moaned about his dwindling lives, complaining that he only had nine left.
Drawing inspiration from the Cat King's revelations, Esther hatched a sinister plan to harness Edwin's agony for her own gain. Meanwhile, Charles pleaded with the Night Nurse to unlock the gateway to Hell, determined to rescue his friend. He presented a map Edwin had drawn of the infernal realm, confident in his ability to navigate its treacherous paths.
When Crystal expressed her desire to accompany them, Charles refused, fearing her safety. She, however, embarked on her own quest, seeking out David, the demon, to aid her in reaching Hell. Jenny, suspicious of Crystal's intentions, followed closely, mistakenly believing she was on a mission to reunite with her abusive ex.
After much deliberation, the Night Nurse acquiesced and opened a portal to Hell, but with a stipulation: Charles and his companions must accompany her to the Afterlife upon their return. To ensure his sincerity, she delved into Charles' memories, revealing the tender origins of their friendship. It was a heartrending tale of Charles' escape from bullies, his fateful encounter with Edwin in his old school, and the bond that formed as Edwin kept him company during his final moments. The Night Nurse, moved by their story, granted Charles passage to Hell.
Descending a long, winding staircase, Charles stumbled upon Maxine, perplexed as to her presence there. He relied on Edwin's map to navigate the labyrinthine "Doll House," encountering bizarre and terrifying obstacles. Meanwhile, Edwin was engaged in a frantic chase with a monstrous spider crafted from the skulls of dead infants. His path unexpectedly crossed with Simon, his former bully, who was doomed to tear apart pages for an eternity. Edwin's encounter with Despair revealed the surprising truth about Simon's feelings, and their mutual understanding freed him from his torment.
Elsewhere, Crystal confronted David, pleading for his assistance to reach Hell. He refused, but his refusal came with a twist: he possessed Jenny, leaving Crystal enraged and determined. She harnessed her newfound collective power, retrieving her memories from David and burying him deep within her spiritual essence.
Meanwhile, Esther was busy constructing a device designed to extract power from tormented spirits. Her cruelty knew no bounds as she set her sights on harnessing the agony of the undead.
Charles, having found Edwin, unleashed a barrage of bombs at the hideous doll-headed spider demon, creating a chaotic escape. The pair fled through chambers of gluttony, lust, and limbo, their journey fraught with danger and uncertainty. As they neared the staircase, Edwin confessed his deep feelings for Charles, declaring his love surpassing mere friendship. Charles, while unable to reciprocate in the same manner, assured Edwin of his unwavering loyalty and devotion.
Their perilous journey through Hell finally came to an end, and they emerged victorious. However, their triumph was bittersweet, as they were now bound by Charles' promise to accompany the Night Nurse to the Afterlife. But Niko, clever as ever, exploited a loophole in the agreement. According to the Afterlife's rules, the Night Nurse was required to file extensive paperwork to reclaim souls who had returned from another plane. This gave the group a precious window of time to spend together before the Night Nurse returned to collect them.