As the curtain rises on the premiere episode of "Doc," Dr. Amy Larsen (portrayed by Molly Parker) finds herself entangled in a harrowing car accident. Post-surgery, Amy's memory is hazy yet intact regarding her identity and her professional domain at Westside Hospital. She identifies herself as an attending physician specializing in internal medicine, a native of Tampa now residing in the bustling city of Minneapolis. Mentioning her children, Amy reveals she is a mother to a nine-year-old and a seven-year-old. Her perception of the political landscape places President Obama at the helm.
Flashing back 24 hours, Amy's voice echoes over the phone, inquiring about the Dixon autopsy and urging Dr. Franco to return her call promptly upon arrival. Inside the hospital's hallowed halls, Dr. Sonya Maitra (played by Anya Banerjee) engages in lighthearted banter with Dr. Jake Heller (Jon-Michael Ecker) about his daughter's Halloween attire, while hinting at Jake's potential ulterior motive in fetching coffee for the esteemed Dr. Larsen.
Larsen inquiries about the tardiness of Dr. Miller, only to be interrupted by Jake, who announces the arrival of a new patient and Sonya's struggle with diagnosing the case. Their attention shifts to Jimmy and his wife Felicia (Rebecca Liddiard), as Sonya imparts details about the patient's condition. Felicia, convinced she's suffering from a recurrent UTI exacerbated by her pregnancy, mentions her usual treatment of Keflex. Amy, somewhat abruptly, corrects Felicia's self-diagnosis, reminding her of her untrained medical opinion, to which Jimmy takes umbrage, though Amy dismisses his concern.
Amy detects a heart murmur and observes splinter hemorrhages on Felicia's fingernails, swiftly instructing Sonya on the course of action. As Amy exits the room, Jake muses aloud about the trade-off between expertise and empathy in a physician. Later, Amy expresses her displeasure at Richard Miller's (Scott Wolf) two-hour delay, grilling him about the fateful events surrounding Bill Dixon's cardiac arrest. She further presses him about an unsealed vial of Metoprolol she stumbled upon in the crash cart, adding layers of intrigue to the unfolding narrative.She postulated that he might have inadvertently confused the details, prompting Richard to remind her that her actions were currently under scrutiny, hinting at a possible motive to shift blame onto others. Amy announced her decision to order an autopsy, emphasizing that if he were deceiving them, his position would be compromised. Meanwhile, Theodore 'TJ' Coleman (Patrick Walker) shared his harrowing dating experience with others, earning a rebuke from Amy for offering false assurances to a patient, reminding him not to give false hope.
Felicia disclosed her relationship with Jimmy to Dr. Peter Douglas (Douglas Nyback), shortly after which she began experiencing seizures. Amy, desperate to reach her daughter Katie, was informed of Felicia's condition by Jake mere moments later. The lab estimated an hour before providing updates on Felicia's blood cultures, a timeframe Amy questioned intently. They retreated to a car in the garage for a passionate moment, interrupted by a message confirming Felicia's cultures were still negative. Insisting on a Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE), Amy's declaration upset Felicia, who demanded to know why Amy was so relentless. Amy responded grimly, promising that after saving her life, Felicia would never have to see her again.
Dr. Gina Walker (Amirah Vann) informed Amy that she had secured a courtroom and Wendy was embarking on a retreat. Dr. Michael Hamda (Omar Metwally) reminded Amy of their pending meeting, cautioning her that the number of complaints against her was escalating. He advised her to go home and rest. While driving home, Amy's distraction with her phone led to a near-fatal accident. Rushed to the hospital, Amy pondered a family trip as she regained consciousness and confided in Gina about her turmoil. Upon waking, she learned that her family hadn't been with her. Jake sought Gina out to inquire about Amy, and she informed him that everyone would convene in the department office within 30 minutes.
In a poignant turn, Dr. Hamda informed Richard that he would appoint him as the interim chief, a move Richard gratefully acknowledged, though Hamda quickly tempered the moment with a note of sorrow.Gina elaborates to Amy on the enigma surrounding her lack of recollections spanning the past eight years of her life, leaving uncertainty as to whether those memories will ever resurface. When Amy is granted a visit with her family, Dr. Hamda enters her room, solemnly revealing that her parents divorced four years prior. Katie (portrayed by Charlotte Fountain-Jardim) then enters to visit her ailing mother. Michael, with a heavy heart, informs Amy of the tragic loss of their son Danny seven years ago due to a heart condition.
In a subsequent conversation with their team members, Gina and Michael explain that Amy's memory gap encompasses the last eight years. They are also informed that Dr. Richard Miller will be taking over the reigns. Though Amy will reside on their floor, it is deemed prudent to maintain a distance from her for the time being. Amy, grappling with the overwhelming grief of losing her husband and son, suggests perhaps it's for the best if she remains oblivious to these painful truths. Gina reminds her of her own journey—how she saved countless lives and ascended to the position of chief. Amy, now aware of Danny's passing, is transferred out of the ICU into a patient room.
Sonya checks in on Jake, who confides in her about their shared history with Amy. Meanwhile, Michael and Katie discuss Amy's plight, while Nurse Liz (played by Conni Miu) and her colleagues indulge in gossip, with one of them uttering the word 'karma.' Coleman interrupts, sternly rebuking them for their insensitive remarks. Overwhelmed by thoughts of her past, Amy collapses in tears onto the floor.
Dr. Richard Miller makes his way into Amy's office, catching Jake's attention as he approaches her computer. Richard dials Victoria to discuss Amy's case and his new role as chief. Jake discovers Amy sobbing on the floor and gently assists her back into bed. Later, Jake consults with Jimmy about running a test on Felicia. Douglas proceeds to insert a tube down Felicia's throat but finds nothing; her blood pressure starts to plummet. Despite Douglas suggesting they halt the procedure, Jake insists they continue, almost causing Felicia's demise. Douglas commends Jake's decision.
Michael checks on Amy and brings her a wheelchair, prompting her to ponder the reasons behind their marital disintegration. Michael gently reminds her that this is not the place for such conversations.
He elucidates how she constructed formidable barriers, isolating herself from everyone around her, yet notably, he remained steadfast while she departed. Dr. Hamda becomes aware of a complication concerning one of the patients and engages in a discourse with Richard, Sonya, and Jake. Richard contends that they subjected her to unnecessary testing. Enter Douglas, who announces that his supervisor has examined the TEE images projected on the large screen and discovered an abscess on the mitral valve ring. Alarmingly, the patient is declining surgical intervention, prompting Dr. Hamda to vow to converse with her personally.
Amidst the surgical procedure, Jake confides in Michael about the recent events. Meanwhile, TJ visits Amy, who is surprised to learn that he is now an intern at the hospital, a journey inspired by her. He expresses his heartfelt gratitude, asserting that she was the catalyst for his aspiration to become a doctor and expresses his earnest hope for her return. Gina interjects the conversation, having learned from Michael that Amy had erected defenses. Amy ponders that such defenses might have been inevitable in ascending to the role of chief. Gina posits that the accident could serve as a catalyst for change.
Sonya seeks out Jake, affirming that she responded to the inquiries with honesty. She concurs with Peter's assessment, believing that Jake's loyalty to Amy had clouded his judgment. Felicia locates Amy and is apprised of the accident. Jimmy and Felicia jointly express their profound gratitude for saving Felicia's life. Amy reaches out to Michael, who reassures her of his unwavering support, regardless of the circumstances. Amy finds herself adrift, uncertain of her actions or identity. She doubts her ability to relinquish her role as a doctor but seeks Michael's assistance in navigating this challenging path. Michaelpledges to endeavor to help her. Additionally, Michael reveals that his new partner is expecting a child.