As the third installment of "Doc" unfolds, Dr. Amy Larsen (portrayed by Molly Parker) finds herself immersed in hospital duties from the past. Her attention is drawn to Robert Buxton (Doug MacLeod), whose transfer has sparked her concern. Approaching TJ Coleman (Patrick Walker), Amy inquiries whether he has observed any decrement in inspiratory pressure or jugular venous distension, her suspicions leaning towards Robert suffering from Beck’s triad. Upon Dr. Jake Heller’s (Jon-Michael Ecker) arrival, Amy underscores the importance of ensuring their patients' wellbeing before departing for the day.
The prelude sees Larsen gearing up for her comeback day. Dr. Richard Miller (Scott Wolf) addresses the team, emphasizing the significance of trusting one’s instincts and resisting the urge to defer to Amy. Dr. Peter Douglas (Douglas Nyback) counters, viewing this approach as perilous. Richard clarifies that the hospital is bound by law to provide reasonable accommodations for any staff with disabilities, announcing that until Amy’s recertification, she will shadow various doctors on a rotating basis. He delineates her permitted and restricted duties, prompting Sonya Maitra (Anya Banerjee) to question the logistics. Richard reminds her of Amy’s protected status under HIPAA, having once been a patient there, warning that any breach of confidentiality would result in dismissal. Sonya remains unconvinced.
In a private exchange, Amy confides in Gina Walker (Amirah Vann) and Michael Hamda (Omar Metwally), likening her current hospital role to that of a medical student, complete with the necessity to retake her boards. She voices her hope that they aren’t setting her up for failure. Elsewhere, Richard discusses Amy’s potential memory recovery with Marcia Wortham (Dale Boyer), his anxiety evident over what Amy might recall and its repercussions for him. Marcia coldly advises him to ensure Amy’s failure. Shortly thereafter, Amy Larsen arrives, engaging in conversation with Richard Miller, the scene charged with anticipation.He informs her that her responsibility today will be to shadow Sonya. Amy expresses her gratitude. Richard then briefs her on the arrangement of her personal items in the office. Jake catches wind that Sonya will be supervising Amy Larsen for the day, which he finds perplexing and believes to be an error. He suggests she would be better paired with TJ Coleman, who has more availability to devote to her. Amy joins Coleman, who is in the midst of admitting Evan Reilly (Jim Watson). TJ fills Amy in on Evan's presenting symptoms. Hayley Reilly (Rachel Wilson) voices her discontent over Evan driving himself to the hospital. Evan explains he works in sales at Phillips and chalks his condition up to acid reflux acting up. He hadn't noticed the red marks on his side, attributing them to a new soap he's using. Evan learns that he'll have to miss an important meeting and an upcoming play. Amy Larsen steps away momentarily to tell TJ they need to get Hayley out of the picture to extract the truth from Evan.
Six months back, Amy collaborated with Valerie Henderson (Christine Okuda Hara), who fainted and suffered a broken leg the previous night. Larsen reminds Coleman of his near-fatal mishap with a patient exhibiting similar cardiac issues just yesterday. She makes him listen to the patient's pericardial knock. Amy persists in urging TJ to crack the case. She eventually diagnoses it as effusive constrictive pericarditis. TJ concurs that they'll need to perform a Swan-Ganz catheterization to confirm it. Amy insists he should carry it out and warns him not to mess it up under Jake's watch. Amy and TJ work in tandem in the present. He finds it peculiar that she's deferring to someone else. They persuade Hayley to leave for the play. Once they're alone, TJ confronts Evan about what's really going on. TJ suspects alcohol abuse, as the red marks indicate liver disease typically caused by alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis. Evan reveals he's a recovering alcoholic who hasn't touched a drop in over six years. Amy inquires about his attire, emphasizing that withholding information complicates his treatment. Evan urges them to use advanced equipment to diagnose him so he can leave. Elsewhere, Sonya and Jake collaborate seamlessly.They engage in conversation with Ruby (played by Denise Burse) and Dante (portrayed by Franklin Ojeda Smith), a couple whose marital bond spans 59 delightful years. Jake informs them that Dante's blood tests reveal an encouraging improvement in his kidney function, yet his red blood cell count has embarked on a decline. Dante expresses his reluctance to stay, citing the hospital food as the culprit behind his gastric distress. Jake persists, reassuring him that it's just one more night to endure.
Elsewhere, TJ updates Amy on Evan's condition, revealing that his liver function tests (LTFs) are alarmingly high, yet his toxicology screen is devoid of alcohol. Amy is convinced that the liver failure stems from chronic alcohol abuse, hypothesizing that Evan might have abstained from drinking a few days prior, which triggered his deterioration. She reminisces about Darrin Amalia (Allan Dobrescu), one of the rare souls who appreciated the old Amy. Frustration sets in as she forgets her old email password, locking her out of her account. Upon reviewing scans, they suspect Evan might be battling acute hepatitis. Their discussion deepens, and Amy contends that an MRI is necessary for a clearer diagnosis. TJ questions why a biopsy isn't considered, to which Amy responds that it's too invasive and risky given Evan's low platelet count and clotting issues. She advocates for withholding the information from Evan until further notice.
Sonya engages Jake in a discussion about Dante's condition, just as Richard interrupts to inquire about Amy's shadowing of Sonya. In a confidential moment, Jake confesses to reversing Richard's personnel decision. Richard reveals that he orchestrated the situation because Sonya is most likely to adhere to protocols. Jake cautions Richard that his actions might give rise to perceptions of trying to undermine Amy.
A flashback transpires, showing TJ successfully performing a procedure on Valerie. In the present, Jake shares Dante's medical history with Ruby and Dante. Sonya rejoins them, clarifying that Dante suffers from a contained abdominal aortic aneurysm with leakage. Surgery is the only viable solution, albeit with a substantial risk of not surviving. Ruby is resilient, refusing to let Dante succumb to defeat. Dante requests a day to arrange his affairs.
Meanwhile, TJ discusses Evan's case with Richard, when a call summons Coleman to Nurse Station Three. Amy and Coleman arrive to learn that Evan has absconded from the hospital, departing just two minutes prior.TJ dials Evan's number, determined to persuade him to return. Meanwhile, Richard reprimands TJ for allowing Amy's influence to cloud his judgment. Just then, Michael Hamda inserts himself into the conversation, requesting a recap of events. Richard recounts their actions in detail, highlighting their maneuver to exclude Evan's wife during the cross-examination, asserting that she would never have permitted his departure from the hospital. Amy disputes this, clarifying that their intentions were different at the time of decision-making. Richard sternly advises Jake to avoid doubting his choices in the future. Suddenly, Evan is rushed into the hospital after collapsing. TJ berates himself for not being more assertive.
Flashback to six months ago, Jake approaches Amy to debate their training methods, reminding her that not all individuals can withstand such intense pressure. Amy counters that TJ can handle it. Jake reveals that Bradley Wilson has resigned, reminding Amy that the interns fall under his purview as Chief Resident.
Returning to the present, Michael checks in with Amy, who informs him that Evan is experiencing hypoxia and multi-organ failure. They await biopsy results while running extensive tests. If they fail to identify the cause, Evan may have only 24 to 48 hours to live. Richard interrupts, announcing their decision to administer high-dose steroids, acknowledging the risk of deterioration if they are wrong. Michael suggests Amy go home, acknowledging that she has made things difficult for herself.
At her residence, Amy delves into Evan's case. She contacts Richard Miller, hypothesizing that an environmental exposure could be to blame. Richard argues that they have already explored this angle. Amy insists that someone must ascertain Evan's whereabouts the previous night, should he regain consciousness. Later, Richard messages Amy, revealing that Evan was laid off two months ago and had been taking up odd jobs at a wood-flooring warehouse in Dobbs, where he hadn't been exposed to harmful chemicals.
Elsewhere, Gina Walker accompanies Larsen to the warehouse. Amy speaks with Evan's supervisor, learning that he might have been exposed to turpentine while painting and also used cleaning products for the restrooms.
It's a labyrinthine sewer system, devoid of any hidden treasures beneath its surface. Frank, portrayed by Robert B. Kennedy, is convinced that he has disclosed every detail to Amy. Meanwhile, Amy discovers that Evan was responsible for eradicating a rat infestation. Realizing the gravity of the situation, she urgently contacts TJ to halt the use of steroids, pinpointing leptospirosis as the culprit. Jake, on the other hand, reaches out to Dante and Ruby for a check-in. Suddenly, the atmosphere tenses as Jake issues a code blue for Ruby, who is suffering from cardiac arrest. Dante stands by, watching helplessly as medical professionals strive to save her life.
Elsewhere, Amy engages in a heartfelt conversation with Hayley about relocating to Minneapolis for Evan's new job opportunity. Hayley elucidates the significance of having a stable job for Evan, baring her soul and expressing her desire for redemption. As Evan attempts to breathe independently, Amy reassures Hayley that this is a positive sign.
Flashing back six months, Amy learns that Jake swapped shifts with Dr. Park to work, despite it being the first night of Passover. Jake, who has recently separated from his wife, shares his dinner with Amy, revealing a glimpse of his personal struggles. Returning to the present, Jake informs Dante that a surgery with the vascular team is on the schedule. However, Dante feels a sense of emptiness without Ruby and expresses his readiness to reunite with her in the afterlife.
Sonya later seeks Jake out, apologizing for not being a more supportive friend. Meanwhile, Richard comments on Amy's determination to drive all the way to the warehouse, while Amy apologizes for any past misdemeanors, noting their once-close friendship. She emphatically states her disinterest in reclaiming the Chief's position. As Amy departs, Richard is revealed to have been surreptitiously recording their conversation.
Michael receives a message from Amy, informing him that everything has turned out well. She inquires about his whereabouts, and Michael, unwilling to disclose his true situation, fibs that he is nearly home. Jake assists Amy in accessing her old emails, revealing her password—a sweet reminder of her son's favorite stuffed animal. Although Amy is temporarily locked out, she vows to try again the next day.
As night falls, Amy eagerly waits until midnight to test the password. With a sense of anticipation, she types in the code, and to her relief, it works.