The opening episode of "Dragon Ball Daima" unfolds with the narrator painting a vivid picture of the expansive Dragon Ball universe, meticulously detailing the mystical dragon balls, the intrepid hero Goku, and the profound bonds he forged with his comrades over countless adventures. The scene seamlessly transitions to a screen displaying footage of Babidi and Dabura, captivating two figures: Degesu, a venerable Kai, and Gomah, a formidable demon. As Degesu and Gomah lean in, their eyes glued to the imagery, Gomah queries Degesu about Shin, wondering if he might be Degesu's elder sibling. Degesu's response lacks warmth, prompting Gomah to advance the footage.
The visuals now showcase Goku, Shin, and their allies in the thick of battle. Gomah's disbelief is palpable as he learns about the existence of such powerful warriors in the "outside world." Their discourse on Goku and Vegeta's might intensifies as Gomah eagerly skips through the clips. Suddenly, the footage depicts Majin Vegeta's fierce onslaught against Goku, followed by Majin Buu's (Buu) awakening—a moment that leaves Gomah utterly astonished. In a chilling turn, Buu transforms Dabura into a mere cookie and consumes him, leaving Gomah speechless. Degesu attempts to reassure Gomah by reminding him of his sovereignty over the Demon Realm, but Gomah's fears persist; he's terrified that Babidi will coerce Buu into attacking them next.
Together, they continue their analysis of the footage, which reveals Majin Vegeta's heroic self-sacrifice to vanquish Buu. However, Buu emerges unscathed, prompting our heroes to resort to the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Degesu jots down notes about Shenron, while Gomah impatiently skips through the clips to gather crucial intelligence on Buu. Their investigation unearths the shocking revelation that Buu murdered Babidi. They forge ahead, witnessing Super Buu's battle against Gotenks and, subsequently, Goku unleashing his Spirit Bomb attack to vanquish Kid Buu, leaving Gomah utterly stunned.
Degesu informs Gomah, now addressed as King Gomah, that he stands victorious, devoid of adversaries and crowned as the Demon Realm's new monarch. Just then, Dr. Arinsu enters Gomah's throne room, updating him on her research endeavors and commending him on his ascended status. She expresses her hope that Gomah will continue funding her activities, now in Dabura's stead. Furthermore, Arinsu cautions Gomah about the looming threat posed by Goku and his companions.
Degesu advances a contrary standpoint, asserting that Goku and his comrades will not venture into the Demon Realm. As Arinsu departs the scene, Gomah and Degesu delve into Gomah's apprehensions regarding Goku and his allies. Gomah contends that they ought to harness Earth's Dragon Balls to revert Goku and his friends to their younger years. Arinsu briefly returns to commend Gomah for conceiving such a notion. Gomah and Degesu then proceed to deliberate on alternative strategies. Gomah proposes wishing for the Evil Third Eye, which Degesu refers to as the Tertian Oculus, noting its loss to the sands of time during the reign of Dabura's father, Abura.
Gomah emphasizes that anyone who adorns the oculus upon their forehead will be bestowed with unparalleled power. Degesu expresses his desire to be the one to make the third wish, but Gomah promises to ponder the matter and suggests they concentrate their efforts on the impending coronation celebration. Gomah intends to craft an impressive speech that will awe the three Demon Worlds and the Majin.
Gomah informs Degesu that he will have Neva, an elderly Namekian, accompany him. As they bid each other farewell, a shadowy figure stealthily watches their every move from afar. Subsequently, Degesu and Gomah await Neva's arrival. Once Neva joins them on their spaceship, the trio devises a plan to visit a younger Namekian for business endeavors.
Their journey leads them to encounter a talking grey fish, who informs them of Arinsu's travels to Universe 7, specifically Earth. After discussing Arinsu's activities, Degesu, Gomah, and Neva set their course for Universe 7. Meanwhile, on Earth, Goku and his friends celebrate Trunks' ninth birthday, with Shin and Kibito also in attendance. Goku and Shin engage in a conversation about Shin's duties, the potaras, the mechanics of fusion, and various other topics.
Goku reveals that Gohan is absent from the celebration due to his studies. Following their meal, Goku and Vegeta indulge in a friendly sparring session. Meanwhile, Mr. Popo and Dende observe the festivities from the Lookout. Popo expresses his desire to attend the party, but Dende insists they remain vigilant at their post.
Suddenly, Gomah, Degesu, and Neva arrive at the Lookout, greeting Dende and Popo. Gomah demands that Dende summon the Dragon Balls to their location. Dende refuses, prompting Gomah to instruct Neva to gather the Dragon Balls for him, promising to extend Neva's lifespan by an additional 1,000 years.
Gomah reveals to Dende that Neva is the creator of the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls and the Tamagamis, who guarded the Dragon Balls to prevent anyone in the Demon Realm from making a wish. Neva inspects Earth's Dragon Balls and confirms they are still in their dormant state. She collects the Dragon Balls and returns them to their active form.
When Dende refuses to disclose the password, Degesu asserts that they already know it, having watched a video of Dende revealing it. He knocks Dende unconscious and proceeds to summon Shenron by uttering the password. Gomah instructs Shenron to transform everyone who fought Majin Buu and assisted him into first-graders, while the younger children should be turned into babies.
The episode concludes with Goku and his friends undergoing a remarkable transformation, turning into first-graders and babies, leaving a striking and humorous cliffhanger.