Episode 3 of Dragon Ball Daima kicks off with an exhilarating departure as Goku, Shin, and Glorio set their sights beyond Earth. As they venture forth, Glorio unfolds the enigmatic tale of Gomah, insisting that Goku's victory over Majin Buu positions him as Gomah's worthy adversary. Their journey leads them to the vicinity of the Batapi planet, where they encounter the intriguing Warp.
Prior to diving into Warp's body to access the crucial relay point, Shin attempts a hasty communication, aiming to dispatch a vital PIN to Kibito. Alas, time is a fleeting adversary, and Shin's efforts fall short, leaving the PIN undelivered. Despite this setback, our brave trio presses on, successfully reaching their intended destination.
Glorio then delves into the intricate structure of the Demon Realm, revealing its division into three distinct worlds. He informs Goku and Shin that their path will lead them to the third world, despite Gomah's residence in the first. Glorio clarifies that his authorization extends only to the third world, a detail that adds a layer of intrigue to their mission.
Upon entering this mysterious third world, Shin paints a vivid picture of its landscapes, highlighting the Demon Realm Tunnel, a passage connecting all three realms. Glorio reveals that his professional endeavors are rooted in the first Demon World, yet he remains tight-lipped about the specifics of his work, shrouding his past in a veil of secrecy.
Goku requests Glorio to set his vehicle down in a suitable location, desiring to acclimate to the area's unique climate. Upon their descent, Goku takes in the surroundings and comments on how the air feels dense and weighty. Glorio informs Goku that the gas prevalent in this world is responsible for the heavy atmosphere, reassuring him that it poses no harm.
Glorio and Shin engage in a conversation about Shin's unfamiliarity with the third world, and Glorio speculates that Shin might be a Glind, a being who once resided in the second world. After cautioning Goku about the treacherous Sea of Darkness, Glorio employs his firearm to ward off a group of bandits who had approached them. Then, Glorio, accompanied by Goku and Shin, proceeds to their ship and takes off. Glorio reveals his plan to Shin, stating that they will first rest in a nearby town before proceeding to visit King Kadan.
Upon their arrival in the town, Glorio and his companions seek accommodations at a hotel. They attempt to negotiate for rooms at a reasonable price, but the owner insists on charging an exorbitant amount. Glorio, with a stern demeanor, intimidates the owner, forcing him to reduce the price. Hunger strikes Goku, prompting Glorio, Shin, and him to visit a local bar for a meal. While enjoying their food, a group of demons attempt to intimidate the trio. Glorio deliberately annoys them, leading the demons to launch an attack on him. Glorio easily dispatches most of them, with Goku joining in the fray shortly after.
After the skirmish, Glorio, Shin, and Goku retire to their hotel room. They awaken in the morning and make their way back to Glorio's vehicle. The episode concludes with a shocking revelation: Glorio's vehicle is missing, leaving the trio puzzled and concerned.