Episode 4 of Dragon Ball Daima unfolds with Shin, Goku, and Glorio bidding their hometown farewell. Glorio's frustration is palpable as he recounts how bandits callously stole his vehicle. Goku, ever the optimistic, proposes they take to the skies, but Glorio grimly explains the challenges of navigating the third world's dense air. Reluctantly, the trio embarks on a hike.
Their journey leads them to a breathtaking cliff that looms over the ominous Sea of Darkness. Despite Glorio's initial hesitance, the three decide to brave the skies. Suddenly, a bizarre monster emerges from the shadows, lunging at our heroes with ferocity. Glorio leaps into action, engaging the beast in a fierce battle before sending it tumbling into the depths of the Sea of Darkness.
As they resume their trek, another monster, seemingly more menacing, ambushes them. Goku, with lightning-fast reflexes, dispatches it almost instantly. After a arduous march, they finally arrive at a quaint town and make their way to a cozy restaurant.
Post-meal, Glorio engages in conversation with the restaurant owner's wife, who intrigues him with tales of her establishment. She gestures to her husband, urging him to speak with Glorio. The topic of conversation pivots to aircraft, and the owner reveals he can lend Glorio a Sky Seed for a fee. Glorio, adept at negotiation, secures a reduced price for the Sky Seed.
Meanwhile, Goku and Shin are fascinated by a peculiar insect. The owner's wife enlightens them, calling it a Medi Bug, which she explains can rejuvenate one's stamina. Shin's curiosity is piqued by another bug, which she identifies as a Join Bug. If two individuals consume its divided halves, they can temporarily fuse, enhancing their strength exponentially.
Persuaded by Goku, Glorio decides to purchase some Medi Bugs. With the transaction completed, the owner guides them to the Sky Seed boarding site. The owner's wife arrives, wielding a cannon-like device that holds the Sky Seed. Glorio shares more insights about the Sky Seed with his companions.
With bated breath, Shin, Goku, and Glorio board the Sky Seed. The owner and his wife instruct them to hold on tightly as they prepare for launch. With a hearty farewell, they propel the Sky Seed into the sky. At the last possible moment, our trio leaps off the Sky Seed, narrowly avoiding a plunge into the Sea of Darkness.
They land gracefully in an unknown location, where they strategize about the journey ahead and ponder the distance to King Kadan's formidable castle.
Glorio asserts that it will take them a mere half-day's journey to reach the castle, prompting the trio to embark on their trek. As they walk, their conversation veers towards the enigmatic Dragon Balls of the Demon Realm. Glorio reveals that each of the three demon worlds possesses a Dragon Ball, safeguarded by the formidable Tamagamis. To wield these balls, he warns, they must first vanquish the Tamagamis. Goku, eager to acquire the Dragon Balls, is gently reminded by Shin that their priority lies in rescuing Dende. Glorio interjects with a strategic suggestion: they should assemble the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls to facilitate Dende's rescue, subsequently utilizing Earth's Dragon Balls to restore their normalcy. Goku and Shin concur with this well-laid plan.
Eventually, the trio arrives at the next town, where Glorio's sharp eyes spot the Gendarmerie, prompting an urgent call for everyone to conceal themselves. He informs Goku and Shin that the Gendarmerie, the military police of the Supreme Demon King, are collecting offerings from the villagers. He mentions Gomah, the newly ascended Supreme Demon King, and how their survival price has skyrocketed. Glorio further warns them about the dire consequences awaiting those unable to meet the demands, emphasizing the magic collars worn by the villagers, which aid in their tracking.
Goku, driven by a desire to lend a helping hand, is restrained by Glorio, who urges caution. Despite Glorio's efforts, Goku's resolve begins to waver. Just as Goku is poised to intervene, a masked figure confronts the Gendarmerie, launching a Wasabi Bomb that falls flat. The masked individual, realizing the ineffectiveness of their attack, attempts to escape, pursued by the Gendarmerie into a shadowy alley. Before the Gendarmerie can harm the fleeing demon, Goku steps in to intervene. Shin, sensing impending danger, urges Goku to retreat with him and Glorio.
They seek refuge in a canyon to debate their next course of action. The masked figure emerges from the shadows, revealing herself as a demon girl upon removing her mask. The episode concludes with an intimate close-up of the demon girl, leaving viewers intrigued by her mysterious presence.