Episode 8 of Dragon Ball Daima unfolds with an exhilarating clash between Goku and Tamagami Number 3. As the battle intensifies, Goku transforms into a formidable Super Saiyan, his power shattering Tamagami's weapon with a resounding crash. The duel continues, a whirlwind of martial prowess and unyielding spirit. When Tamagami Number 3 manages to deflect Goku's Kamehameha, the latter counters with another attack, leaving the Tamagami with no choice but to surrender.
However, victory is not yet within Goku's grasp. Tamagami Number 3 reveals that one final trial awaits him – a game of wits to claim the Dragon Ball. The Tamagami places several cups on a table and conceals his Dragon Ball beneath one, challenging Goku to guess its location after he shuffles the cups.
With a glint of cunning in his eye, Goku calls Tamagami Number 3's bluff. He claims that while the Tamagami was busy shuffling, he had slyly tossed the Dragon Ball aside. Goku confidently points to the Dragon Ball's actual hiding spot, prompting Tamagami Number 3 to reluctantly hand it over.
Elsewhere, Arinsu contacts Glorio, who eagerly informs her that they have successfully acquired Tamagami Number 3's Dragon Ball. Arinsu, impressed by their progress, concludes the call, her mind already racing ahead to the next phase of her meticulously crafted plan.
With the Dragon Ball secured, Goku and his friends bid farewell to Tamagami Number 3's village. Glorio, leading the way, announces their next destination: Warp. He intends to swiftly traverse the Second Demon World, opting for sea and sky routes to evade any unwanted attention. As they embark on this new leg of their journey, the adventure grows ever more thrilling and unpredictable.
Meanwhile, Degesu and Gomah intently scrutinize the footage depicting Majin Vegeta's fierce battle with Majin Buu. This sequence unfolds after Vegeta has unleashed his Final Explosion attack and Buu has miraculously restored his form. Gomah's attention is captivated by the presence of Arinsu at the scene, prompting him to ponder about her motives and actions there.
In a segment revealed later, Arinsu is visible gathering fragments of Buu and meticulously storing them in a container. As the scene shifts, Arinsu finds herself at a location resembling a massive tree. She steps into the tree's depths and engages in a conversation with her ally, Marba. Marba, engrossed in creating a potion that contains a piece of Buu, places the mixture into a pot. She enlightens Arinsu that Bibidi, not herself, was the creator of Buu. Arinsu counters, insisting that Bibidi approached Marba with the directive to bring Buu into existence. Despite Buu's devastation that wiped out most of Arinsu's race, she solemnly assures Marba of her silence regarding the truth.
Marba elaborates on Buu's flawed nature as a creation and explains the reasons behind it. She argues that their new creation should be more manageable and controllable. To this end, Marba requests Arinsu to deposit her saliva into the jar, believing it will enhance her control over this emerging monster. In return for her cooperation, Arinsu promises Marba a generous reward if she ascends to the throne as the Supreme Demon King. As a contingency plan, she contemplates using the Dragon Balls if their situation takes a turn for the worse.
Simultaneously, Kadan reaches out to Hybis, instructing him to visit Warp since Goku has acquired Tamagami Number 3's Dragon Ball. Kadan concludes the call by suggesting they stay at a hotel. Vegeta, inquisitive about the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls, approaches Hybis, but the latter ignores his inquiries. The episode draws to a close with Bulma's laughter echoing through the scene, leaving a tantalizing hint of what's to unfold next.