Fool Me Once – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: May 27 2024

In the fourth episode of "Fool Me Once," Maya's investigation takes a turn as she discovers Shane unexpectedly present in her home. It transpires that he stumbled upon Lily sobbing and Maya shrieking in her sleep. Relief floods Maya as she lowers her gun, yet she senses Shane's subtle judgment of her parenting abilities.

After gently tucking Lily into bed, Shane suggests Maya seek professional help if she's grappling with any issues. Maya insists she's coping just fine. Shane then updates her on his latest findings regarding Tommy, revealing he was a former marine and captain of the yacht where Andre's fatal accident occurred. Maya wonders if Tommy was paid to conceal the truth about Andrew's suicide, making it seem like an accident. Shane also mentions Kierce, declaring him to be squeaky clean.

Maya's curiosity is piqued when Shane inquiries about her omission of Joe's appearance on the nanny camera. She confesses her belief that the footage isn't from an old recording. Together, they delve into the evidence, pondering the possibility of Joe faking his death. This exercise is intended to help Maya think rationally and accept that Joe is indeed deceased. However, Shane suggests that Maya might be right, and Joe's faked death could explain the issues surrounding his death certificate. Maya further suspects that someone else, besides Joe, is meddling in her life.

Meanwhile, Abby's conversation with Alexander uncovers a startling revelation. He's oblivious to the fact that Claire is pregnant with his child. It's evident that he didn't harm her; they were young lovers who crossed paths during a vacation and parted ways when the holiday ended. They didn't maintain contact after that, and Alexander is shaken to learn that he has a child out in the world. He eagerly seeks more information from Abby, but she abruptly departs, leaving him with more questions than answers.

Elsewhere, Nicole keeps tabs on Kierce and gently urges him to visit the hospital and attend their crucial meetings. She senses a growing distance between Kierce and his loved ones and is determined to help him stay on course. Their heartfelt conversation is abruptly interrupted by Marty, who urgently informs Kierce that Phil's lawyer has arrived, clearing the way for their interrogation to commence.

During the tense interrogation, Phil remains obstinate, refusing to cooperate with the investigation. However, he concedes that the bicycle indeed belongs to him. He claims that the bike was stolen weeks ago, prompting Kierce to question why he failed to report the incident. Kierce emphasizes the gravity of the situation, explaining that the bike was involved in a murder case. Phil insists on his innocence, asserting that he has a solid alibi and accusing the police of lacking conclusive evidence linking him to the bike on the fateful night.

Fool Me Once – Season 1 Episode 4 1

Nonetheless, Kierce presses further, bringing up the fact that Phil's teenage son, PJ, also uses the bike. He demands that Phil bring the boy in for questioning the following day. Later, Kierce instructs Marty to arrange surveillance on both Phil and PJ, while also verifying Eddie's alibi. Kierce confesses that he has some personal matters to attend to and asks Marty to contact him immediately if any new leads emerge.

To Marty's surprise, the only lead he uncovers is the revelation that Kierce lied about his accident; there was no cat involved. Meanwhile, Kierce stumbles upon a crucial clue on his way out and decides to tail Phil. He watches as Phil gets into a car belonging to one of Burkett's companies, piquing his curiosity. Kierce quickly calls Marty and informs him that he is following Phil without the proper authorization, adding a layer of excitement and urgency to the already tense investigation.

Across the bustling town, Maya convenes with Eddie and his cherished children amidst the serene greenery of the park. Suddenly, Abby's innocent curiosity ignites a thread of the past, inquiring about her mother's former romantic entanglement and the mysterious pregnancy. Their intimate exchange is abruptly halted by Eddie's intervention.

With mutual understanding, Eddie and Maya brush aside their minor differences and offer apologies to each other. Their conversation shifts to the ominous investigation surrounding Claire's untimely death. Maya confides in Eddie that Claire was entangled with Corey and had begged him not to reveal the second half of the audio, fearing it would only complicate Maya's situation further.

Maya holds a belief that Claire shielded her when she struck a deal with Corey to expose and dismantle the Burketts' empire. She remains uncertain about the sequence of events but is determined to unearth the truth. Maya gratefully acknowledges Eddie's patience and declares that he is the only one she trusts to safeguard Lily in case of any misfortune. She entrusts Eddie with the responsibility of watching over Lily while she investigates further.

Meanwhile, Kierce's shadows fall upon Phil as he stealthily trails him. Marty, however, uncovers a startling revelation - Eddie's alibi is a sham. He promptly leaves a message to apprise Kierce of this crucial discovery. Kierce, on the other hand, follows Phil into the school, where he encounters PJ, but before he can eavesdrop on their whispered conversations, his consciousness dims, and he blacks out.

After numerous unsuccessful attempts to reach him, Marty finally locates Kierce and rushes to his aid. Kierce confesses his disturbing blackouts, leaving Marty deeply concerned for his welfare. Their bond strengthens as Marty confides that he is gay, and together, they face the unknown with renewed resolve.

Meanwhile, Maya receives a call from Judith, urging her to reconsider bringing Lily to the estate. Little does she know, a surprise encounter with Dr. Wu, a therapist sent by Shane, awaits her. Maya reluctantly agrees to talk to him and bares her soul about the hallucinations and nightmares that plague her. Her military days were tough, and she blames herself for a tragic incident that occurred during her service.

Dr. Wu gently suggests that Maya stop evading the issues and confronts her about the possibility that her hallucinations of Joe might be linked to her PTSD. He clarifies that she's experiencing flashbacks, not hallucinations, and believes that Maya needs to forgive herself to truly heal over time.

After the intense session, Maya receives a frantic call from Tommy's wife, begging for a meeting. The wife has unearthed some suspicious information, discovering evidence of Tommy being paid by the Burketts. Worried and unable to contact her husband for the past six weeks, she turns to Maya for help.

And Maya isn't the only one in search of someone. Claire's curious children rummage through her belongings and stumble upon a surprising discovery - she signed up for a DNA tracing service years ago. Intrigued, they log into the app and embark on a mission to find their half-brother. But their sleuthing leaves a telltale clue, and Eddie stumbles upon it. Fired up, he rushes out to confront Alexander at his home.

After her encounter with Tommy's wife, Maya storms over to Judith, determined to uncover the mystery of Tommy's involvement with her. Judith, feigning ignorance, pretends to have no recollection of the man. Maya, however, isn't buying it and brings up the name of Andrew, shaking Judith's composure.

The conversation quickly escalates into a heated argument as Judith tries to evade Maya's probing questions, claiming she doesn't want to relive the past pain. Maya persists, insisting that Joe had mentioned Andrew's case being ruled as suicide. She even brings up Detective Kierce, but Judith swiftly denies any involvement with him, adding that Caroline is ill and seeking help at a mental hospital.

Judith reveals that the family is paying Tommy to safeguard their reputation, as suicide is something they desperately want to avoid being associated with. She questions Maya's sanity and warns her to stop meddling in their affairs. But as Maya turns to leave, she catches a glimpse of Caroline peering through the window, a puzzling sight since she's supposedly supposed to be hospitalized.

Later, Maya heads to the arcade club in search of Corey, determined to track down Tommy, who has mysteriously gone missing. Corey, visibly shaken, expresses his fears that they might be the next targets and blames himself for Claire's demise. Maya, however, assures him that the blame lies with her, as Claire had only gotten involved with Corey to protect her. It turns out that Maya had accidentally killed innocent civilians during a mission, a secret that has been weighing heavily on her conscience.

Corey mentions Shane's name, his voice laden with curiosity, asking Maya why she remains in contact with him. It's evident that whatever lurks on the audio tape will have repercussions for Shane as well. Maya, her face etched with sorrow, queries Corey as to why he withheld the second half of the tape, declaring that she has already borne enough pain.

After enduring a grueling day, Maya finds solace at Eddie's abode, only to be besieged by a flurry of inquiries from the children about their estranged half-brother. Maya suggests that they approach Eddie for answers, but Alexa's voice is filled with trepidation. She reveals that their father is not in a state to talk, having stormed out in a fit of anger. Worried that their half-brother might be responsible for their mother's demise, Maya soothes their fears by revealing the truth about Claire's first pregnancy. Little do they know, their half-brother is nearer than they could ever imagine.

Meanwhile, Kierce and Marty unearth incontrovertible evidence that Eddie lied about his alibi, having been in the company of a woman the fateful night Joe met his demise.

The episode comes to a thrilling climax as Shane sneaks into Maya's compound, stealthily attaching a tracker to her car. The alarm blares, but Maya brushes it off as a minor annoyance, unaware of the looming danger that lies ahead.

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