As the menacing creatures swarmed around the RV, Jim, Boyd, and Kristi desperately sought to stabilize Ethan's condition within the confines of the vehicle. However, Boyd intervened, urging them to focus on a more urgent task.
With haste, the remaining members dashed to retrieve Tabitha, Julie, and Jade, aiming to bring them to the safety of Colony House. Just as the creatures converged on the porch, they managed to usher everyone inside. But their relief was short-lived as they were swiftly restrained.
Boyd enlightened Jim, explaining that the talisman would safeguard the houses, but only if all windows and doors remained securely shut.
Meanwhile, Donna encountered Tabitha and imparted the grim realities of the town. Julie was startled by Victor's approach, and Fatima gently led her to Ellis's room, where she was shown his haunting paintings.
Kristi trembled with fear, rattled by the creatures' ominous presence outside. Boyd, however, managed to soothe her nerves. Together, they were able to extract the table leg embedded in Ethan's leg.
Sara seemed to engage in a conversation with an unseen presence in her mind, and with a scalpel in hand, she gruesomely slashed it into Toby's mouth.
At Colony House, Kenny and Father Khatri drank heavily, their minds preoccupied with the well-being of Boyd and Kristi. Kenny revealed that he had failed to uncover any additional bodies.
Donna imparted the harrowing tale of their arrival in the town to Tabitha, piecing together the puzzle of their mysterious existence. Ethan awoke, recounting his vision of the lake of tears and the eerie drawings adorning the walls.
Kenny recounted to Father Khatri the fateful night when his father had disappeared, only to be found by him and his mother. Their journey home had unexpectedly led them to this strange town.
Shockingly, the nurse at the infirmary discovered Toby's lifeless body, with the door left wide open, inviting the creatures to invade.
The following day, the Matthews family was reunited, yet the reunion was overshadowed by Sara's confession. She revealed that she heard voices, compelling her to kill and stage the murders as if the monsters were the perpetrators.
Kenny, Khatri, and Kristi arrived at the infirmary, their hearts heavy upon finding Bing-Qian and the nurse lifeless. The Matthews family found a temporary respite at Colony House, where Ethan caught sight of a little boy smiling outside. He reciprocated with a warm smile, unaware of the mysteries and horrors that awaited them in this strange town.