Owen and Teddy embarked on a camping trip and encountered a friendly family along the way. However, their adventure soon took an unexpected turn. While exploring, the daughter stumbled and fell into a pit, prompting her father to rush in after her, ultimately sustaining an injury. With no choice, Owen and Teddy were tasked with administering first aid to the stranded man in the cave.
Meanwhile, the interns faced their own challenges as they prepared for their upcoming tests while also embarking on their first surgical rotations. Blue diligently practiced in the lab, while Simone attempted to calm her nerves by conversing with Lucas, who was once again indifferent towards her.
Amelia and Monica collaborated on a procedure for a young patient who was hesitant about the surgery. The patient abruptly left, but they eventually found her with a friend. Mika felt disappointed that she wasn't included in Dorian's surgery.
Link assisted Blue with a unique operation involving a "lucky sock," while Owen and Teddy successfully brought the injured father and his daughter to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Their relaxing day off had quickly transformed into a busy surgical day.
Mika's frustration with Helm escalated as he struggled to accept her request for some space, unintentionally taking it out on the other interns. Dorian's surgery encountered complications, and Lucas became so focused on resuscitating him that he momentarily forgot to use the defibrillator paddles. Despite Bailey's repeated attempts to increase the charge, Dorian remained unresponsive.
Jules found herself in tears, overwhelmed by her inability to answer any of her practice questions correctly, fearing failure on her MCAT exam. In a moment of kindness, Mika offered to help Jules study.