Episode 5 of Orphan Black: Echoes kicks off in the futuristic year of 2030, introducing us to Kira, a vibrant young doctor under the tutelage of Dr. Eleanor Miller, the archetype of Lucy and Jules. The two women share an undeniable spark, yet their relationship is fraught with tension and hesitation, only to eventually bloom into a tender union. Together, they settle into their first apartment, once a haven for Lucy, now transformed into a home for them.
Their professional pursuits are intertwined as well. Eleanor devotes her efforts to developing a drug that could potentially cure Alzheimer's, a disease that threatens her own mother. Kira, meanwhile, strives to perfect the printing of organs for transplants, a feat that could revolutionize healthcare. As Eleanor's desire for a child grows, Kira steps in, carrying their son, Lucas, into the world—the boy whose image Kira once shared with Lucy.
Darros approaches Kira with the promise of funding her groundbreaking work, but she remains unmoved. Eleanor, however, sees an opportunity and convinces Kira that Darros' money could be the catalyst for their dream project. As the years roll by, it's now 2050. Lucas has grown into a young man, embarking on his college journey. Darros' interest in human printing persists, but Kira remains resolute in her rejection.
Eleanor finds solace in swimming, yet one fateful day, she loses her way to the pool, a sign of her fading memory. She confesses to Kira that her mind is slipping, and they realize the ominous truth—Eleanor is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Tragically, her own medicine cannot save her, and she begs Kira to keep her condition from Lucas.
Amidst the turmoil, Kira throws herself into her research, determined to find a way. She eventually discovers the key to printing healthy neurons, a feat she declares is for Lucas' sake. But Eleanor, now deeply enshrouded in the disease, fails to recognize the name of her own son.
Despite her profound distress, Kira persevered through Eleanor's brain surgery with unwavering resolve. To her immense relief, Eleanor emerged from the surgery with her memories intact, mirroring the positive results Kira had witnessed in Lucy's tests. However, their joyous reunion was fleeting as Eleanor succumbed to the aftermath of the transplant, passing away the very next day.
In a desperate search for a solution, Kira grasped Darros' offer and struck a deal: they would replicate Eleanor before dismantling the printer. Darros agreed, but Kira took cautious steps, omitting crucial details about the lens from the project file, rendering the machine obsolete without it. Her only confidant in this endeavor was Josh, who joined her side without hesitation.
After successfully printing a bird as a test, they ventured into the replication of Eleanor. Josh voiced his concerns about whether this replica would truly be the Eleanor they knew or a stranger, noting that with identical genes, she might succumb to Alzheimer's in two decades. Yet, Kira chose to address those questions later, as Lucy finally materialized before their eyes. She hoped Lucy would recall their shared memories, their first home, Lucas, and their cherished jokes, but her hopes were dashed. The imprint on Lucy's arm was not a brand; it was a matching UV tattoo, a bond shared with Eleanor and Kira.
Now, with the full truth unveiled, Lucy is enraged at Kira. She resents being created without her consent and feels alienated in this world. She emphasizes that she is not a mere replacement for Eleanor. Kira, profusely apologetic, vows to make it right. But Lucy remains indignant, inquiring about the reason behind Kira's creation of Jules. Kira, bewildered, reveals that she only ever printed Lucy and then deactivated the machine, marking the conclusion of their story in Orphan Black: Echoes Episode 5.