Episode 9 of Orphan Black: Echoes commences in 2009, with Eleanor stumbling upon her father, a waning figure, slumped in the bathroom. Desperate for assistance, she reaches for the phone, but her father's feeble shake of the head halts her. She dials 911, yet a moment's hesitation leads her to hang up.
In the present, Craig lies wounded, a bullet grazing his leg. Lucy and Jules rush to his side, and Xander, seizing the opportunity, makes a swift grab for the drug and the key. Jules pursues him, but finds Xander has consumed the entire contents, now seemingly lost in a hallucinatory stupor. Without a choice, Jules escorts him to Kira's abode.
Craig steadfastly refuses hospitalization, prompting Lucy to summon Jack. Beneath the pain and panic, Craig confesses that he was once a protestor, enraged by the world's injustices. But in a moment of recklessness, he crossed a line, harming someone. Now, a warrant hangs over his head, threatening immediate arrest.
Jack grapples with his emotions, angered that Lucy missed the biometric appointment. Charlie劝说Jack that he should aid Lucy, lest she follow Clara's footsteps and abandon them. Jack argues that Lucy is unlike Clara, deeply rooted in her love for Charlie. Charlie retorts that this alone is justification enough for Jack to lend a helping hand.
A delightful cameo arrives as Delphine enters the scene, lending her support to Kira. As Jules catches up on Kira's familial background, we learn that Sara and her clones are household names, now in their sixties, and Cosima harbors regrets about her once-iconic dreadlocks. Delphine assures Eleanor, her origins notwithstanding, it's her passion that defines her.
Returning to Darros, she devised a plan: tracing the money trail would lead them to the door the key unlocks. They realized Neva's assistance was crucial, as her company served as the financial backbone of the Darros Foundation. By orchestrating a fake emergency, the security guard grudgingly allowed Kira and Delphine into the office after hours, claiming they had an urgent meeting with Neva.
Delving into Darros' financial records, they discovered he had invested a staggering 44 billion in a coastal property. Delphine hastened home while Kira ventured to the seaside estate. There, she stumbled upon a shed that concealed an underwater storage vault. The key slid into the lock, but it required a distinct memory as the final puzzle piece. With only 30 minutes to decipher the mystery, Kira's heart raced, and she hastily called Eleanor.
Meanwhile, Tom refused to abandon his search for Lucy, delving deeper into Jack's past. He even bartered concert tickets to acquire Tina's address. At Kira's abode, Jules offered Eleanor solace over Lucas' disappearance, reassuring her that she was a remarkable mother. Jules had never felt a sense of belonging, but after meeting Eleanor and Lucy, she felt as if she had found her place in the world. At that pivotal moment, the call from Kira rang out, and they realized they needed Darros' memory to solve the puzzle. Jules urged Xander to rise to the occasion, but he was distraught after witnessing Darros' haunting memories during his journey. He feared resembling Darros, but Jules insisted he lend them his aid.
Returning to Craig's side, Jack finds himself at a loss as he struggles to staunch the wound. Unexpectedly, Lucy confesses her reason for desperately saving Craig—she realizes that Eleanor did not reveal the full truth about their father. She realizes she might have been able to help her dad but failed to do so. Lucy does not want to repeat that mistake, and Craig is deeply moved. He is also proud that she has found people who truly care for her.
Elsewhere, Eleanor and Jules usher Xander to the shed, focusing their efforts on deciphering the symbol on the lock. It mirrors the shape of the necklace worn by Darros' sister, sparking a memory within Xander. He recalls that Josh and Darros printed his first copy, but there was a glitch, rendering Xander 1.0 only partially conscious. Darros places the necklace on the copy and advises Josh to discard it and move on to a more accurate print.
As the storage is unlocked, Xander is horrified to learn that the previous printouts were left to perish. However, Eleanor and Kira have a startling revelation—the storage contains medical records of every citizen in the country. This is likely how Darros was able to create a 16-year-old Jules. The latest logs indicate that Darros has printed 12 beings.
The scene shifts to Tom breaking into Tina's home. She puts up a fight, but he injects her with an unknown substance. Frustrated that he could not find Lucy, he abducts Charlie, leaving a chilling end to Orphan Black: Echoes Episode 9.