The episode unfolds with Taylah Sander (Quintessa Swindell) locked in a heated verbal exchange with Matis (Igor Skreblin), who insists on tacking on an additional 1,000 for a motorcycle. Threatening to expose his shop to the tax authorities, she finds herself cornered when he dares her to test his patience by suggesting a physical confrontation involving her and Edward Brooks (Leo Woodall). Reluctantly caving in, she forks over the money. Meanwhile, Edward remains oblivious to Adam Mellor’s (Fra Free) persistent calls and messages. Unsure about her impromptu motorcycle purchase, given his lack of riding experience, he quizzes Taylah about her motives. She responds by noting Orleans is a mere two-hour bike ride away and mentions the extensive CCTV surveillance at Austerlitz station. Together, they set off for Orleans, France.
Back at NSA headquarters, Andrew Carter (Harry Lloyd) grows anxious as Edward and Taylah fail to board their scheduled flight. Tom Grayson (Tom Byrne) manages to trace Taylah’s phone to Paris. Overhearing Grayson speculate that Taylah might be going rogue to safeguard the asset (Edward), Jane Torres (Martha Plimpton) finds herself under Andrew’s directive to rectify the situation. In Baghdad, Bobby Miller (Alex Cartuson) and another agent leverage Taylah’s phone to track two individuals on a motorcycle to a nearby town. As the bike halts, they dash over to confront Matis and Charlotte Lambert (Emily Renee). Matis brandishes Taylah’s phone triumphantly, only for Miller to swiftly snatch it from his grasp.
Taylah and Edward visit the University of Orleans to catch a glimpse of the Mersenne collection. Simone Macon (Sonia Faidi) informs them of the need for an appointment and an official letter from their university. Edward, handing over his ID and playing up his mathematician credentials, catches Simone’s attention. When a woman requests a private word with Simone, Edward seizes the moment, sharing intriguing tidbits about 17th-century archaeologists who made impressions of 9th-century tables. Soon after, Simone escorts them to a room where she places one of the twelve impressions on the table. However, none of them prove to be linked to the missing section.
Taylah later reads a text from Jane, asserting her authority as the sole point of contact. Glancing at photos of them together, she ponders her past. Edward, meanwhile, receives messages from a worried Adam, just as Taylah bursts in. He inquires if she’s been in contact with anyone at the NSA, to which she demures, keeping Jane’s involvement a secret. Reflecting on a motorcycle accident that claimed her boyfriend’s life, he wonders aloud if her guilt would waver had she been intoxicated. Jane had leveraged her position to shield Taylah from court and prison, yet the guilt lingers. Amidst this, Edward receives another pleading message from Adam, urging him to call.
At NSA headquarters, Andrew notices Edward’s phone briefly ping in Orleans before disappearing. Grayson informs Jane that Andrew’s doubts about Taylah’s loyalty to the NSA are beginning to surface.Simone breaks the news to Edward and Taylah that the university has entrusted its prestigious Mersenne collection to a private collector in exchange for a generous donation. Taylah catches sight of Bogdan Viahovic (played by Sergej Onopko) shaking hands with the director, as the invaluable pieces are carefully loaded into a van. She frowns, muttering that such drastic measures aren't necessary, and swiftly jots down the van's license plate for a UK check. Her resolve hardens. "We have to reclaim it," she declares. Edward reminds her of Bogdan's brutal past, having killed Kasim (portrayed by Mudar Abbara) with his bare hands, suggesting they enlist Jane's aid. Taylah shakes her head, insisting they're running out of time.
Aboard a bustling water taxi, Andrew grills Jane about Bogdan's mysterious third-party employer. Jane feigns ignorance, her expression unreadable. He then inquiries about Taylah's antics, to which Jane responds that she's merely fulfilling her duty—keeping Edward safe. Andrew is unswayed, labeling Taylah a liability for the agency and asserting that his feelings towards her are irrelevant. He warns that Axiorn's pressure is mounting, and Edward's well-being is paramount. Jane is tasked with cleaning up the mess and left to her thoughts.
Meanwhile, Taylah and Edward trail Bogdan onto Le Shuttle, their tension palpable. Back at NSA headquarters, Tom is already apprised of the situation and informs Jane and Andrew. Jane confirms that Taylah will be on the train as well, her tone tinged with concern. Taylah interrogates Baidaa Saeed (played by Hiba Bennani) about potential train malfunctions in the tunnel. Saeed explains that in case of emergency, passengers would be evacuated to a service tunnel and transferred to another train—a process taking approximately 11 minutes.
Jane calls Edward from an undisclosed number, her voice urgent. He answers, curiosity piqued by the unknown caller. She declines to reveal herself and asks to speak to Taylah. Edward, now alert, relays the message. Taylah spots him on the phone and takes it reluctantly. Jane's voice crackles through, warning her about Bogdan and urging her to disembark immediately. Taylah's skepticism is palpable; she accuses Jane of pretense and blames her for the attack in Baghdad, Iraq. Jane swears on her mother's grave that her sole concern is their safety.
Glancing at a CCTV camera, Taylah hints at mutual secrets known between them. She scolds Edward for having the phone in such a sensitive situation and swiftly disables the train's CCTV system, her actions a silent declaration of defiance and determination.
Edward inquiries Taylah about what Jane had imparted to her, but she brushes him off, setting her clock with deliberate disregard and promptly dialing Antoine Gorecki to sound the alarm about a bomb aboard a train bound for the UK. Within moments, the shuttle train comes to a halt, and the orderly evacuation of passengers commences. Bogdan, defiant, insists on staying put, only to be sternly instructed by a railway worker to evacuate. Reluctantly, he makes his way into the service tunnel. With the clock ticking down to eleven minutes, Taylah expertly picks the lock, as the security team begins their meticulous search of the train.
Saeed assures the passengers that upon reaching the UK, they will be allowed to reclaim their vehicles. Meanwhile, Taylah races against time, her focus laser-sharp on opening the lock. Edward, concealing himself beneath a van, watches her every move. With a decisive click, she breaks the lock's resistance just as a security officer forces her into the service tunnel. Seizing the moment, Edward slips into the van and delves into a pile of tablets. Overhearing a guard mention that the security team is short-handed, Bogdan makes his way back towards the van. Edward locates the tablet just as Bogdan yanks on the van door. Quick as a flash, he stuffs the tablet into his bag and darts out the front, Bogdan's gaze locked onto him. A chase ensues, with the door sealing shut in twenty seconds. Edward, trailed by Bogdan, squeezes into the service tunnel mere moments before it slams shut.
Taylah engages a security door, ensuring Edward's entry but leaving Bogdan behind. She radioes in about a violent passenger and requests security to intercept them at the Folkestone platform. Edward confronts Jane about orchestrating his death in Baghdad, accusing her of silence for his protection. She justifies her actions, claiming there's no neutral territory for them, the innocence of Ricky Olson (played by Tom Stourton), Professor Robert Mallinder (David Morrissey), and Safiya Zamil (Sofia Barclay) long gone. He counters that his creation isn't the issue but how the world wields it. She reminds him of the potential for a world devoid of privacy and secrets. He retaliates by accusing her of collaborating with the NSA to cover up her boyfriend's demise. Jane confesses her fear, watching him walk away.
Edward boards the shuttle train, and as Taylah takes her seat, a man sits beside her, handing her his phone. Jane's voice crackles through: "Let's talk."