The premiere episode of "Public Disorder" unfolds in the tranquil yet tumultuous landscape of Susa Valley. After an arduous ten-hour standoff, the Roma 3 riot unit finally receives the authorization to intervene in a protest that shows signs of escalating into violence. The inhabitants have taken to the streets, voicing their vehement opposition to the construction of the TAV railway system that threatens to mar their valley's serenity. The police chiefs, wary of chaos, aim solely to prevent the protesters from breaching the construction site's perimeter.
Amidst the tension, disaster strikes as Pietro, a stalwart member of the squad, sustains grievous injuries. As his superior rushes him to safety, Mazinga, a shadowy figure within the ranks, issues a ruthless order to his fellow officers: to physically subdue the protesters with brute force. Afterward, he meticulously wipes clean their batons of any incriminating evidence, steering them back to the precinct where he cleverly diverts attention from their actions by highlighting Pietro's tragic spinal injury—a harrowing reminder of the day's violence.
Unbeknownst to Mazinga, the ER has been summoned to aid the protesters who were chased to the riverbank and brutally assaulted. His superior, keenly observant, notes that Mazinga's squad seems to be invariably entangled in every contentious situation.
The media's coverage of the protest irks Mazinga, who believes they underplay the gravity of Pietro's plight. The squad attempts to visit him in hospital, but Pietro's wife, Anna, her heart heavy with worry and anger, turns them away.
Elsewhere, Marta, another member of the squad and a financially strained single mother, grapples with an unexpected gift from her ex—a pair of skates for their daughter, Agata. Marta, longing to maintain distance from her ex, wants to return the gift, but Agata's innocent confusion provokes an unintended outbreak of frustration from Marta.
Salvatore, another officer, crosses paths with Michele Nobili, a transfer from the Senigallia riot squad now stationed in Rome. Nobili's indifference to Pietro's plight infuriates Salvatore, while Mazinga whispers accusations of Nobili being a snitch. Renowned as an old-school riot cop, Nobili's arrival is met with skepticism. The police chief, wise to the dynamics, advises him to win the squad's respect by leading by example. His first challenge: overseeing the volatile Rome-West Ham football match in two weeks, a task for which he is designated as the leader.
Mazinga harbors a fascination for cultivating carnivorous plants, a peculiar hobby of his. His pregnant daughter-in-law, Joanna, graces his presence to procure some silverware, while his son, Giancarlo, opts to steer clear of him, having deserted Mazinga's surname and adopted his mother's instead. Despite Mazinga's generally warm demeanor, this surname shift irritates him.
Marta, still wrestling with her discontent, relents and permits Agata to utilize the new skates. Her spirits lift as she watches Agata glide with prowess on the ice. Elsewhere, Nobili's family exudes warmth and camaraderie during their karaoke night, joined by his daughter, Emma, and her friends.
The following day, grim news unfolds: the protesting victims' conditions have deteriorated, with one young boy slipping into a coma. The squad's faces reflect their discomfort upon hearing this. Mazinga remains the solitary exception, unperturbed and scolding them for their concern over a stranger. They pay a visit to Pietro, who finally regains consciousness, and the mood shifts to a lighter note as they playfully chant "ACAB" at the conclusion of Public Disorder Episode 1, their lighthearted jest a stark contrast to the gravity outside.