Secret Invasion – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Jun 19 2024

Episode 5 of Secret Invasion kicks off with a harrowing scene: President Ritson, gravely injured, is rushed into the ICU. Fury, whispering urgently in his ear, warns, "Do not trust Rhodes." As Fury takes up a guard position outside the room, determined to safeguard Ritson's life, the tension mounts.

Meanwhile, Pagon's doubts about Gravik's leadership are growing. The New Skrullos' leader's plan has failed, and he's questioned why Gravik didn't seize the opportunity to eliminate Fury. It's revealed that Gravik's true objective is the Avengers' DNA, which Fury has secreted away. In a fit of rage, Gravik lashes out with his alien whip, piercing Pagon's heart and ending his life. He scornfully dismisses the other Skrulls around Pagon as "faceless and nameless."

Beto watches in horror as the operatives are dispatched to eliminate Varra for disobeying Gravik's orders. Then, Gravik contacts Rhodes (a Skrull duplicate) and orders him to ensure Ritson's survival. The leader wants Ritson to believe that the Skrulls are responsible for the attacks against the Russians, even as news channels hail Talos' heroic deeds. Rhodes is instructed to show Ritson the "New Skrullos" in Russia, further planting the seed of suspicion in his mind.

Secret Invasion – Season 1 Episode 5 1

When Rhodes arrives at the hospital, Fury presses a gun to his neck. But Fury is powerless to expose Rhodes as a Skrull (known as Raava) without resorting to lethal force. To Fury's astonishment, Rhodes has already released the video footage of Gravik (in Fury's guise) killing Maria. The news spreads like wildfire, igniting public outrage.

Elsewhere, Sonya takes decisive action, shooting SIS Director Weatherby in the leg to expose him as a Skrull. Fury's inaction in this regard is puzzling, given the risk to his own life. But Raava's revelations suggest a deeper strategy at play. After Weatherby's exposure, he reveals the location of Dr. Rosa Dalton, a crucial piece of information that may hold the key to Fury's plan.

As the rebelling Skrulls, including Beto, launched their assault on Gravik, they were met with a formidable foe. Gravik's strength was unmatched, and he effortlessly overwhelmed his attackers. In a chilling display of power, he publicly executed Beto as a stark warning to any who dared question his actions.

Meanwhile, Fury found himself in a secret rendezvous with G'iah. He pleaded with her to rise up and not let her father's heroic sacrifice go unfulfilled. She revealed a shocking truth: Gravik had failed to find "The Harvest" and instead resorted to using the DNA of Cull Obsidian, one of Thanos's sons, and Flora Colussus, aka Groot, in his machine.

At her home laboratory, Sonya convened with Dalton and her partner Victor. As Rosa explained the intricate workings of the machine, Sonya's lab erupted into flames. When Victor threatened to harm Rosa, Sonya acted swiftly, shooting him dead in the head.

G'iah sat beside Talos' lifeless body, preparing him for his final resting place. She sought the assistance of Priscilla, and together they performed the solemn rites. G'iah offered her mother's ring to the pyre as a token of remembrance. After the funeral, G'iah expressed confusion as to why Priscilla was waiting for Gravik's men to strike. Priscilla recounted how she had fallen in love with the house at first sight, imagining a life with Fury by her side.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by the arrival of attackers. A fierce battle erupted between them and G'iah and Priscilla as they valiantly defended their home.

Elsewhere, Rhodes met with Ritson and was briefed on Gravik's sinister plan. Rhodes urged Ritson to launch a strike against the New Skrullos, falsely accusing Sonya of supporting the attack. The stakes were high, and the drama unfolding around them threatened to engulf the entire world.

Fury cunningly utilized the Widow’s Veil to evade airport security and clandestinely rendezvoused with Sonya in the frozen landscapes of Finland. As they conversed, Sonya confessed that she had been oblivious to Rhodes' true identity as a Skrull. Driven by the alliance between their nations, she had unwittingly revealed the location of New Skrullos.

Gravik, with a ruthless determination, had laid down an ultimatum for Fury: surrender the Harvest, or risk the destruction of their home base by an impending strike. He was prepared to sacrifice his own community if it meant securing victory in this war.

Fury, with a grave expression, revealed that the Harvest held the collective DNA of all the Avengers who had valiantly fought in the Battle of Earth. Among them, the DNA of Carol Danvers, the most powerful of them all, was contained within. Gravik, though he had been part of the team that had collected these precious samples, was unaware of its current whereabouts.

At one of Fury's graves, situated amidst the serene Finnish landscape, he carefully unveiled the vial to Sonya. Despite having shifted its location to safeguard it from Gravik's clutches, Fury now made the decision to relinquish it. As he slipped into his iconic long black overcoat and affixed his eye patch, he spoke urgently over the phone, "It's time. Let's finish this," his voice echoing in the crisp winter air as the episode drew to a thrilling close.

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