Stags – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Mar 19 2025

As Episode 5 unfolds, the prison descends into utter chaos, with Gomez (Abel Folk) still en route to his impending operation. To Cisco's (Daniel Triana) dismay, he's being prepped for what he was misled to believe was a mere blood transfusion. It doesn't escape his notice for long that his role in this scenario is far more significant. With the aid of a few younger troublemakers (Nerea Del Cristo), he manages to lay his hands on a firearm. He successfully secures the door to the operation room's unlocking, only to be promptly confronted by Selma (Paulina Galvez). Despite wielding the gun, he finds himself cornered in the operation room, providing Clem (Sophie Lenglinger) with the ideal moment to administer a sedative that renders him unconscious. In gratitude, Selma promises to reward Clem by having Miguel (Alejandro Barrios) escort her to Selma's house for a thorough cleaning and dressing up before the operation. However, this plan never materializes as Miguel is ambushed and killed outside by the same young thugs who aided Cisco.

Stags – Season 1 Episode 5 1

When Clem ventures back to Gemma's (Aysha Daraaui) cell to set her free, it transpires that the entire sequence of events was their premeditated plan all along. Despite Clem's steadfast loyalty, Gemma betrays her by locking her in the cell and abandoning her.

Meanwhile, The Man (Javier Godino) reluctantly shares his escape plan with Stu (Nico Mirallegro) and Ryan (Corin Silva). Despite having seemingly orchestrated everything, the cost of this plan has been exorbitant. This is where the heist of the cocaine factory comes into the picture. While unveiling his plan, Stu is haunted by the memories of those they've lost since their incarceration. Whether driven by grief, guilt, or a sense of rectifying past wrongs, returning Ant's (Charlie Cooper) ring to his family becomes his paramount objective. Unbeknownst to Stu at present, it will also become Ryan's mission. The Man is less than pleased to learn of this development.

Selma is equally displeased when she seeks out Clem and discovers Gemma's absence. Despite her fury, she seemingly accepts Clem's assertion that Gemma had already fled by the time they returned. However, everything changes when they return to the operation room to find The Doctor (Tony Corvillo) deceased. They are also assailed by Gemma, but once Clem secures the gun, she uses it to take both Gemma and Selma hostage. During this standoff, she notices that Gemma keeps glancing at the fridge, which happens to be the concealed entrance to a network of tunnels.

Clem coerces Selma and Gemma into guiding her into the labyrinthine tunnels, but amidst their descent down the rickety ladder, she inadvertently lets the gun slip from her grasp. Gemma, swift and vigilant, retrieves it, yet Clem's persistence eventually reclaims it across several tense exchanges. As they delve deeper into the bowels of the tunnels, Clem uncovers not only the truth about El Nino but also a startling revelation: the former romance between Gemma and Selma.

Meanwhile, Stu and Ryan have reunited, their brief reunion shattered when The Man catches up with them, compelling them to adhere to his initial scheme. An unforeseen guard stands as a formidable obstacle outside the factory, but they swiftly overcome him. Inside, however, they confront a daunting reality: they lack the means to transport the vast quantity of coke they need. Their deliberations are cut short by the sudden arrival of Luba (Alexandra Masangkay), whose entrance proves fortunate due to her connection with The Man. With The Man's persuasion, Luba agrees to assist them, and Stu and Ryan are soon packed and prepared for departure. Yet, their preparations are aborted by the unwelcome appearance of Branco (Oscar Foronda).

Clem, still in possession of the gun, relies on Selma to use the prison's PA system to summon her men to their location once they reach the control room. Unbeknownst to her, she also alerts Branco to their whereabouts. Before either party arrives, Gemma seizes control of the gun again while devising an escape strategy with Clem.

Even though Gemma now holds the gun, she and Clem devise a daring plan: using Selma as bait to lure El Nino back into its confines and trap it. The episode concludes on a cliffhanger, with Selma staring El Nino in the face, the tension palpable as the next chapter unfolds.

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