The Boxers, the kidnappers, revealed their identity with admiration for Mama Sun's astuteness, particularly her ability to uncover the identities of the triad members. They coerced her, promising safety for her family if she divulged the names of the triad's leaders. Mama Sun countered with a bargain, offering them control of LA in exchange for her family's safety.
Bruce and Xing, aided by their spy network within the mahjong club, zeroed in on Hong, the salesman Mama Sun was rumored to have encountered. By pressing Hong's hand painfully against the counter, they extracted the information they sought. Hong revealed that Mama Sun was indeed in the Boxers' custody, but he was unaware of her exact location. Fortunately, Bloodboot, who had been trailing Mama Sun, betrayed her location to Bruce and Xing. However, Bloodboot's silence about the Triad members cost him dearly, as he was captured and fatally shot.
In a brilliant maneuver, Bruce rallied a group of elderly women from the mahjong club and stormed the building, rescuing Mama Sun. However, the plot thickened as it emerged that Alexis had been manipulating Charles from the start, secretly installing GPS and monitoring software to track his every move and communication.
Upon Charles' return home, he was informed of Bloodboot's demise and the revelation that Mama Sun, alias Rolodex, was the true target. Mama Sun is the sole individual in the world who knows the true identities of all Triad members, making her a highly sought-after target for those intent on dismantling the organization. With no other option, Mama Sun revealed the identities of all Triad members to Bruce. As the episode drew to a close, Mama Sun advised Bruce to utilize this information as a bargaining chip should he ever encounter a challenging situation with the Boxers.