In the preceding installment of The Brothers Sun, Bruce stumbled into the grasp of June, May's vengeful sister, seeking redress for her sister's demise. June, driven by desperation, resorted to drastic measures, severing TK's thumb. Nevertheless, Bruce adeptly persuaded her that they were united against a mutual foe, fostering an unexpected camaraderie. June concurred to join Charles's quest to locate Sleepy Chan. As the episode drew to a close, Mama Sun devised a plan to coerce Sleepy Chan out of hiding by eliminating Tony in a brutal manner, sending a chilling warning to their target.
Episode 4 of The Brothers Sun commences with Mama Sun triumphantly announcing at the dinner table, including the newly arrived Bloodboot from Taiwan, that their scheme has borne fruit. A willow tree fragment wrapped in yellow gauze was dispatched to Yuan, signaling Sleepy Chan's impending arrival, accompanied by his son, Drowsy Lee.
To clarify, Sleepy Chan is a formidable triad figure, constantly at loggerheads with Big Sun over the Jade Dragon Society's control. Following Tony's demise, a triad summit was convened, and according to triad protocols, it could not be dismissed. This mandated Sleepy Chan's presence, along with Mama Sun.
The meeting was arranged at Ka-Spa, situated in the heart of Korea Town, an open, public locale that left little room for Sleepy Chan's subterfuge. Charles insisted that Bruce attend to acquaint himself with the triad's ways, but Mama Sun adamantly opposed it, desiring Bruce's absence from the scene.
At the summit, Drowsy Lee made his indestructibility known from the outset. His long hair, muscular physique, and composed demeanor screamed of both strength and cunning. There seemed to be a past between Charles and Drowsy, perhaps a history unknown to all.
Drowsy informed Charles that Sleepy acquiesced to all their demands, except for one: he refused Mama Sun's presence at the summit. This indicated his intention to turn other members against her and demonstrate that the Sun family had lost its grip on leading the Red Dragon Triad.
Mama Sun acquiesced but compelled Charles to swear that he would eliminate Sleepy Chan if he uncovered any evidence that Sleepy was the mastermind behind the attacks on his family. Charles also entrusted Bloodboot with the care of his family if he did not emerge unscathed from the summit.
During the summit, Sleepy Chan clarified that he was not intent on harming the Sun family or other triad members. According to Sleepy, they were being hunted by a mutual enemy. However, before he could divulge further details, he was slain by the same Red Ribbon gang members who had stealthily infiltrated the room. Charles and Drowsy fought side by side, but the latter ultimately perished when a gang member detonated a hand grenade.
In the fourth installment of The Brothers Sun, the narrative plunged into a sinister and gory realm. Sleepy Chan's arrival in LA for a clandestine meeting, acquiescent to Charles' demands save for one condition—Sun Tai Tai's absence—was overshadowed by a ghastly twist. The encounter unraveled into a nightmare as assassins from the dreaded Red Ribbon gang sneaked into the serene spa, brutally terminating Sleepy Chan's life. Charles and Drowsy valiantly fought off the attackers, but a hand grenade's explosive fury claimed Drowsy's life and left Charles in a dazed state.
As episode 5 unfolded, Charles gradually regained his senses, startled to find himself in Alexis' abode. She had rescued him from the chaos of the spa as he attempted to flee. Alexis, once again, pressed Charles for details regarding the mysterious assassins adorned with red ribbons, yet Charles remained steadfast in his silence. Alexis disclosed that she too had been targeted by the assassins, narrowly escaping an attack in the parking lot.
Desperate to reach out to his loved ones, Charles attempted to venture out to retrieve his phone from the Ka-Spa, but Alexis pleaded with him to rest and recuperate while she retrieved the phone on his behalf. Charles was convinced that the Ka-Spa massacre was not a random occurrence but a well-orchestrated plot. Someone had betrayed the plan to the gang, tipping them off about the clandestine meeting.
Meanwhile, Bloodboots and Mama Sun rode together in search of information regarding the Red Ribbon gang. Little did she know that she herself was the target the Red Ribbon gang had been after. Prior to Sleepy Chan's demise, he had confided in Bruce that the Red Ribbon Gang was hunting for Lou Lou, a moniker that translated to Mama Sun's nickname, Rolodex. It was Mama Sun who had been their intended target all along. Mama Sun, inquisitive about the gang, questioned her contact, Hong, but he betrayed her, delivering her into the hands of the Red Ribbon Gang members. But what did the Red Ribbon Gang truly seek from Mama Sun?