Jeremy, portrayed by Josh Fadem, hosts a YouTube series aptly titled "Gotcha!" (complete with an exclamatory punctuation mark, I presume). As "The Creep Tapes" Season 1, Episode 3 kicks off, Jeremy regales the camera with boasts about how this week's episode will outdo his previous exposé on the hypocrisy that is big pharma, a toxic wasteland par excellence. From the outset, one can discern the kind of individual Jeremy truly is, though I shall refrain from using epithets.
It's uncertain what Jeremy anticipated from his evening with Father Tom Derkin (played by Mark Duplass). However, Father Tom immediately catches him off guard, startling him from behind a corner as Jeremy approaches the front door. Once inside, Father Tom mysteriously vanishes as Jeremy prepares for their interview, prompting him to embark on a search for the elusive priest.
Jeremy eventually catches glimpses of Father Tom through a closed door, accompanied by moans that initially lead Jeremy to believe he might be indulging in masturbatory pleasures. Instead, he discovers Father Tom on an exercise machine, who explains that he's exorcising demons in this manner. He urges Jeremy to give him a moment.
Upon emerging, Father Tom offers Jeremy a drink and proceeds to taunt him when the latter requests water, claiming he could turn it into wine with a snap of his fingers. However, Tom soon adopts a more amicable tone, expressing his excitement about receiving Jeremy's email, which pitched the interview as a blend of "God's Not Dead" and "My Dinner with Andre"—two of Tom's favorite films!
While this revelation is undoubtedly amusing, I must admit that Duplass's character in "Jeremy" falls short of the captivating allure he exuded in the "Creep" films and the first two episodes of "The Creep Tapes." Perhaps my inherent bias against priests is influencing my perception, but Father Tom lacks the magnetic charm of our serial killer protagonist's previous incarnations, at least in my eyes.
Nonetheless, Jeremy more than makes up for it as perhaps the most off-putting victim we've encountered thus far. Unable to play along with his own grandiose concept, he begins shouting at Father Tom about the sins of the church. At this point, it seems Jeremy would be better served releasing a solo video ranting about his issues, but Father Tom isn't about to abandon the interview, even if Jeremy is ready to call it quits.
Father Tom solemnly vows to unveil to Jeremy a church secret shrouded in mystery, one that no mortal has ever laid eyes upon—ultimately revealing a chilling video of his younger self, donned in a wolf mask, as a priest wielding a cross attempts an exorcism upon him. As the footage concludes, Tom confesses to Jeremy that he once struggled to suppress his inner demons, yet his efforts proved futile. He awakened beside the lifeless body of Father Dom Derkin, swore that in the name of the deceased, he made a great ambition to embark on the path of priesthood and become Father Tom Derkin from then on.
Jeremy's fear begins to creep in, marking the onset of a narrative twist where Duplass's character masquerades as benevolent while emanating a menacing aura. He refuses to acknowledge Jeremy's sudden conversion to faith, insisting they are not yet there and vowing not to let Jeremy depart until genuine belief takes root. Father Tom urges Jeremy into a bathtub for a baptismal ritual, but as Jeremy unbuckles his belt, a sudden burst of courage propels him to strike Tom across the face with it and bolt for freedom.
Jeremy dashes to his car, yet Tom is a step ahead, blocking his escape route with an ominous stance. "You'll have to run me down to get away," Tom declares, his words echoing ominously in the tense atmosphere. Does Jeremy possess the resolve to do what it takes? Perhaps, but as he attempts to start the engine, Tom reveals the wires he's severed, rendering the car immobile. From this precipice, Jeremy's fate seems sealed, a grim trajectory leading inexorably towards his demise.