In the exhilarating fourth episode of The Legend of Vox Machina's third season, Pike, feeling a profound disconnection from her power amidst the infernal landscapes of Desoath, cries out to the Everlight for assistance. The Everlight, with a voice tinged with warning, informs her that the Hells of Desoath are a forbidden realm and cautions that she might soon find herself utterly isolated. Her plight is interrupted by a vision of a distant, horned figure, but before she can decipher its identity, the fragment of her dream fades, and she awakens.
Scanlan, with his unparalleled prowess for disguise, transforms Vox Machina to blend seamlessly into the demonic milieu of hell as they embark on their perilous journey to Zerxus Ilerez, the keeper of the plate. Pike, her heart heavy with foreboding, struggles with the morality of their mission; the mere presence in the hells seems a sinful act, yet retreat is no longer an option.
Elsewhere, Percy, Vex, and Allura battle their way out of the icy prison, their first priority being the location and rescue of Kima.
Back in the oppressive depths of hell, Pike's strength wanes, prompting her to remain behind while her companions seek out Zerxus. Desiring to bring solace, she attempts to heal a damned soul with the Everlight's power, but her gesture is met with screams of agony, disrupting Scanlan's enchantment and exposing their true selves to the demons.
A relentless pursuit by the demons begins, yet the group manages to elude their captors and reach the lair of Zerxus. There, Pike's heart skips a beat as she recognizes him as the horned figure from her vision. He regards her with curiosity, puzzled by the presence of a priest of the Everlight in such a wicked place.
When they inquire about the vestige, Zerxus reveals a surprising twist: they must wager for it, as J'mon had not entrusted the plate to him for safekeeping but had lost it in a bet. The stakes have never been higher, and the path to redemption grows ever more treacherous.
The pact was clear: victory on their part would secure the plate for them, while his triumph would entail Pike remaining as his honored guest. With a flourish, he conjured a blood contract, compelling their signatures and ensuring Pike couldn't renege on her word. They embarked on a card game where honesty was the sole currency, each answer a revelation.
He sought to rattle her composure, whispering that the Everlight would betray her, just as his deity had abandoned him. His words took root, and Pike's concentration shattered, leading to her defeat. Yet, Zerxus's cupidity knew no bounds; he wagered the souls of her friends for a rematch.
He painted a picture of a life sans the Everlight, one supposedly devoid of burdens, but Pike, determined, steered the conversation back to him. She demanded to know his identity, prompting him to recount his tale of heroism during the Calamity, where he stood eye-to-eye with the lord of torment. Given the ultimatum of sacrificing himself or his family, he chose the latter path, realizing afterward that all deities were deceitful.
Pike stood firm, arguing that her god was different. She strategically inquired if he wished his kin by his side in this infernal realm, suggesting their shared suffering. His instant, emotional denial—"Of course not!"—rang hollow, a lie that revealed his hand in the game. With that slip, Pike seized the upper hand and claimed victory.
The plate, as if alive, adhered itself to Pike. She vowed not to forget his story and acknowledged his noble defeat with gratitude. As a token of goodwill, he bestowed upon them a necklace bearing his mark, a passport to safety and the gateway beyond.
As Vox Machina retreated, Zerxus confidentially revealed to a lurking demon that Pike was blissfully unaware of the power coursing through her veins. He anticipated the day her heart would be consumed by vengeance and doubt, a twisted specter of his own downfall. He commanded the demon to spare her life but to slay the rest, his ascent to power drawing ever nearer.