As the latest installment of The Night Agent unfurls, Peter Sutherland, portrayed by Gabriel Basso, relentlessly pursues Colin, a year after the devastating metro bombing. Upon reaching his apartment, Colin, played by Andre Anthony, is startled to encounter Peter there. Worried about the current situation, Colin insists that Matteo shouldn't be staying there. He retires to another room to call Wick, portrayed by Ben Cotton, and informs him of someone's interference on the train. Wick assures him that the Vice President will handle the mess and ensure a cleanup. He advises Colin to stay inconspicuous for the time being.
One fateful day, Colin returns home to find Matteo dead, a victim of an overdose. In a swift move, he swaps Matteo's wallet. In the present, Colin delivers food to Maddie Redfield, enacted by Sarah Desjardins. Peter and Rose, portrayed by Luciane Buchanan, strive to convince Chelsea, enacted by Fola Evans-Akingbola, and Erik, played by DB Woodside, that they're not the ones who took Maddie. Chelsea and Erik are shocked to learn of Diane Farr's involvement in the bombing and Colin's identity as the perpetrator.
Moments later, Chelsea and Monks inform the officers that their investigation has hit a dead end. As the cops depart, Chelsea advises Erik to heed Peter's words if it leads them closer to Colin. They return to the boat to discuss the bombing with Rose and Peter. Chelsea refuses to reveal who she was guarding at the café and suggests focusing on Worley instead. Rose mentions the suspicious timing of Worley's death and reveals that he once worked for a Turn Lake subsidiary. Peter divulges the details of the bomber's rattlesnake tattoo. Chelsea presents them with a sketch of the art professor's boyfriend, whose appearance matches Worley's. Peter insists that Colin is dead, but Chelsea clarifies that he now goes by the name Matteo.
When Erik verifies the birth certificate, he discovers that Colin was a twin. Peter hypothesizes that they might have murdered the wrong twin and suggests checking the next-of-kin address from the autopsy report. If Colin Worley is indeed living as his twin brother, finding him would solve both their mysteries.
Maddie creates a video, imploring her father to confess his role in the metro bombing. Upon completion, Colin reveals that there were supposed to be far more victims. Maddie vows her loyalty to Colin, claiming that her father deserves whatever he has planned. Worley warns her that he'll inflict the same fate on her as he did to Paulo if she doesn't shut up, emphasizing that they're not allies. Wick and Diane, enacted by Hong Chau, watch Maddie's video. Diane argues against showing it to Ashley, fearing he'll succumb to the bomber's demands. Ashley, portrayed by Christopher Shyer, insists on holding a press conference, but Diane adamantly opposes it.
Wick solemnly pledged that he had someone on the trail of the kidnapper. Ashley, however, cast doubts, querying how Wick was so certain it was a single perpetrator and why the video was specifically sent to him. Wick revealed that the abductor was the one who had orchestrated the metro bombing for them. Tragically, his team had made a mistake and eliminated the wrong brother. Diane assured Ashley that they would do their utmost to safeguard Maddie, but cautioned that it would be a case-by-case basis. She reminded him that his safety was paramount in this fight, emphasizing that it was for the country and they needed him to stay strong.
Once alone, Wick and Diane discussed amending his orders to ensure the safety of Worley and Maddie. He assured her he would keep her updated. Meanwhile, Erik and Chelsea entered the building, leaving Peter and Rose handcuffed in the vehicle, to inquire about the PO Box. The woman behind the counter surmised it had something to do with the Redfield girl. They found a letter in the box, indicating that the customer had fallen behind on their rent, likely renting a storage unit as well.
Peter confided to Rose that the weight of protecting someone was immense, especially when one felt inadequate. They felt indebted to each other, as if their lives were intertwined. Chelsea asked Erik if he had a photo of his child. He showed her a picture, explaining that his daughter had been residing with his ex for years, and he had been unable to see her much since rehab. But this summer, he had earned the right to take her camping. Erik confessed that his addiction to pills had stemmed from pain. He further elucidated that their duty was to safeguard the institution, not just the president.
The woman returned, informing them that the unit was J3. Upon opening it, Erik stepped outside to release Peter and Rose, enlisting their help in searching the unit. Erik pondered what could have been the purpose of its contents. Rose stumbled upon a pay stub for Matteo from Pykemoor Security, dated a month prior. Erik decided to call them. They uncovered a comprehensive dossier on Paulo and information pertaining to Maddie. Peter hoped that Chelsea would now believe their story. Erik assured her that the owner would provide answers if they showed him their badges.
He readily concurred to venture alone, as Chelsea intended to stake out the unit, anticipating Colin's potential return. Unexpectedly, Erik decided to bring Rose along. Maddie stumbled upon R142 concealed behind the wall. Through the hole, she could hear the distant rumble of a train, but had to duck for cover as Colin unexpectedly returned. He declared that Ashley hadn't responded, implying he didn't care about her well-being. Maddie suggested he might not even be receiving the videos. She urged him to record a fresh video and dispatch it straight to her father's number, believing she could coerce him into a public confession.
Chelsea informed Peter they were awaiting the release of Worley's employment records from Pykemoor Security. Peter questioned if she had lied about guarding Maddie on the day of the bombing. Chelsea insisted she wasn't even on her detail then. Peter pondered if she revealed who she was guarding, he might uncover Farr and Redfield's target. Chelsea reluctantly revealed it was Omar Zadar, alias Osprey. Unknown to many, he had a clandestine meeting with someone from the administration at the café from 6 to 9 PM. They suspected the bomber aimed to eliminate Omar and disguise it as a casualty.
Chelsea received a call from Maddie, who spoke directly to her father. She begged him to confess to the metro bombing in a video or she'd be slain within 30 minutes. Chelsea explained the anonymous message and Maddie's coded tap on her necklace. They decoded the message, revealing "train, are, one, for, to." Peter realized it alluded to train R142. He cautioned Chelsea against notifying the White House, for they'd dispatch assassins. They concurred to unravel its meaning and save Maddie.
Meanwhile, Maddie shattered the light in her room. Diane Farr inquired about bullet points for the Omar Zadar briefing at three. Ashley checked in, assuring he was fit for the meeting, which commenced in five minutes. Shortly after, Diane was informed to skip the briefing as the President desired her focus on a meeting with Representative Watkins. Desperate, Diane pleaded for five minutes with the President upon completion.
During the tumultuous meeting, Ashley vehemently voiced her discontent over the intention to utilize Zadar's influence to propagate democracy in the region. She even labeled Omar as a terrorist, her words sharp and unyielding. Amidst the heated exchange, the meeting adjourned for a brief respite.
President Travers, her composure intact, assured Ashley that every possible measure was being taken to ensure Maddie's safe return. Despite Travers' assurance that Zadar was now a legitimate political figure, Ashley remained unswayed. While acknowledging her autonomy in the decision, Ashley confessed that she could not rest easy without voicing her honest concerns.
When questioned about Diane, Travers revealed her intention to consider a personnel reshuffle in the West Wing. Meanwhile, Peter and Chelsea delved into the mystery of R142, seeking to unravel its enigmatic meaning. Chelsea recounted to Peter how they had managed to track down him and Rose, their efforts finally yielding fruit.
Erik's call brought them closer to the truth, informing them of the companies Worley had worked for as a security guard. Peter discovered that all these companies possessed warehouses situated within close proximity to the DC container depot. With this crucial lead, they concurred on a course of action, heading straight for the depot, where Worley might be holding Maddie captive.
As Erik drove away, Ellen (Eve Harlow) shadowed him discreetly. Once they reached their destination, Chelsea armed Peter with a gun before they scaled the broken fence, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Colin, alerted by the motion sensors, grabbed his gun and hastened towards the intruders.
Chelsea quickly realized they would need to split up, her words urgent yet calm. Erik arrived shortly, instructing Rose to remain in the vehicle. Ellen watched their every move from the confines of her vehicle, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
Colin made his way to the shipping container, urging Maddie to move, but she retorted with a sudden attack and fled. She found refuge in another container, leaving Colin bewildered yet undeterred. Just as she disappeared from sight, he caught a glimpse of her and began firing, his shots ringing out in the deserted depot. Erik and Peter intervened, taking Colin down while Chelsea rushed to comfort Maddie.
As they prepared to evacuate with Colin, Ellen emerged from above, her gun trained on them. Her shots were swift and fatal, killing Colin in an instant. Peter and the others scrambled to escape, but not all emerged unscathed. Monks was struck by a bullet, and Maddie suffered a gunshot wound to her leg. Rose, acting with swift reflexes, climbed up and pushed Ellen off, sending her to a fatal fall.
Chelsea hastened to Monks' side, but his condition was grim. The depot, once a silent witness to their struggle, now echoed with the aftermath of violence and chaos.